英语人>词典>汉英 : 高涨 的英文翻译,例句
高涨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
skies  ·  sky  ·  upsurge  ·  skyed  ·  skying  ·  upsurged  ·  upsurges

run up · rise high · gather steam
更多网络例句与高涨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Actually, that very accounting convention may have contributed in a major way to the losses; had management been forced to recognize market values, its attention might have been focused much earlier on the dangers of a very long-term bond contract.


With the accelerated progress of economic globalization and the increasing development of international capital markets, the advocation of international harmonization and even the global convergence of accounting standards is on the upsurge.


Visual agnosia and hyper-sexuality are the key symptoms.


Compared with riveted and welded structures, the over-all aluminum wallboard profiles (wallboard or profile in short term), have the advantages of high strength/density ratio, fine airtightness and reliable properties, being widely used in ship, traffic and special containers etc.


The February stimulus package was badly designed, and its anaemic effects offset by soaring oil and food prices.


This studydeals with Anglo-Japanese interaction during the Chinese revolution in 1925—1931,and examines how the two countries tried to cope with the growth of Chinesenationalism.


Government 's act ion s overseas continue to be a key factor in anti-American sentiment abroad.


When your enthusiasm runs high, make a not e of it in a notebook. Write down the circumstances that inspired you and the manifestations of that enthusiasm. Were you spurred to action Did you solve a problem Did you persuade someone of something Also, keep a written copy of your definite major purposeand your plan for it inside your notebook. Ten, whenever your enthusiasm is ebbing, pick up your valuable book.


"You think you are getting things right but then you get the postponement of a game and it deflates the lads. You need to start again and try and keep spirits high. It's important to keep the mentality high, but it has been a funny situation for us."


"You think you are getting things right but thenyou get the postponement of a game and it deflates the lads. You needto start again and try and keep spirits high. It's important to keepthe mentality high, but it has been a funny situation for us."


更多网络解释与高涨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the height of their power:在邪恶力量高涨时

And there shall be boils breaking forth upon man and upon beast.|将会有疮疖... | "At the height of their power...|"在邪恶力量高涨时... | ...God shall send forth an angel to destroy them."|上帝会派去一个...

Elated mood:欢欣 / 高涨情绪

Echopraxia模仿动作 | Elated mood欢欣 / 高涨情绪 | Elation欢欣得意


情绪高涨(elation)一种欢欣鼓舞、得意洋洋的积极和增力性的情绪体验. 在正常人身上往往是由需要得到满足、目标得以实现而产生的. 它能振奋人心,推动人的工作、学习和其它活动. 但在躁狂抑郁患者身上,情绪高涨也会成为情感活动的一种障碍症状.


(一) 情感高涨 (elation) 情感活动明显增强,表现为不同程度的病态喜悦,有与环境不相符的过分的愉快、欢乐. 讲话语音高昂,眉飞色舞,喜笑颜开,表情丰富,以致盛气凌人,傲慢自负或引人发笑,常带有明显的夸大色彩. 病人常有良好的自身感觉,

where even this early, crowd expectation is at fever pitch:现在还很早,观众们的情绪已经高涨了

We are at Ellis Park on this historic day...|我们... | ...where even this early, crowd expectation is at fever pitch...|...现在还很早,观众们的情绪已经高涨了... | ... because their beloved green and gold...

Gung Ho:热情高涨,一说来源"更好";一说来源"干活

ginseng:人参,西洋参 | gung-ho:热情高涨,一说来源"更好";一说来源"干活" | IChing:易经

in high feather:身强力壮; 兴高采烈; 精神焕发, 情绪高涨

2)in high keep 保存得好 | 3)in high feather 身强力壮;兴高采烈;精神焕发, 情绪高涨 | 4)in high spirits 兴高采烈

in high spirits:情绪高涨

in harmony with 与...和睦相处 | in high spirits 情绪高涨 | in less than no time 立刻,马上

on the upsurge:高涨

on the upgrade 上升 | on the upsurge 高涨 | on the upswing 正在高涨

on the upswing:正在高涨

on the upsurge 高涨 | on the upswing 正在高涨 | on the verge of 接近于