英语人>词典>汉英 : 高楼 的英文翻译,例句
高楼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与高楼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Acacia Love: Northwest have high-rise," Brief Introduction: China is a country of poetry.


Look at the high-rise that sees in the ability on the picture only originally, go in wane to the close lights all night eternal street, the extensive in yellow hill heart removes a kind hard of Yan Yu acerb: This is not a world that belongs to me, I am a passing traveller merely just.


She has acrophobia and always becomes dizzy in a high-rise elevator.


One of these day, an adorer with year of expensive already work will see Yinhate looking at shellfish.


You have sung to me in my aloneness,and I of you longings have built a tower in the sky.


I live in an apartment building .


In France, we are far from these problems. We don't have any high towers in the city centre. In Paris itself for instance, there is only one tower, the Montparnasse tower, and everybody wants to destroy it.


In order to increase the sense of nature, bluestone from suburb stands in the hallway of the high floors. Such unpolished bluestones bring a freedom feeling. People can touch the natural elements even if they lived in the high floors.


People sometimes refer to sprawling metropolises as "concrete jungles," but when I look out the window at the tiny people below and the expanse of huge buildings that stretch the horizon wider and wider until my face collides with the green-tinted pane, it seems to be more of a concrete mountain range.


Built of steel and aluminum and faced with granite and Indiana limestone, it was for 40 years the world's tallest edifice until surpassed in 1972 by the World Trade Center. It again became the city's tallest after airliners flown by terrorist hijackers destroyed the 110-story twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001. It now ranks ninth in the world, and second in the United States behind Chicago's Sears Tower.

帝国大厦用钢和铝做骨架,大厦表面是用花岗岩和印地安纳大理石,在1972年以前的40年中,一直是世界上最高的大厦,在1972年被世贸大厦超越,世贸大厦于2001年911事件被恐怖分子劫持的飞机摧毁,帝国大厦又成为纽约最高的建筑,现在是世界第九高楼,美国第二高楼,美国最高的大厦为芝加哥的Sears 塔楼。

更多网络解释与高楼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concrete jungle noun:高楼林立、乌烟瘴气、时有暴力事件的现代城市、城区

baked beans noun (加番茄酱等制的)烘豆 | concrete jungle noun 高楼林立、乌烟瘴气、时有暴力事件的现代城市、城区 | down-to-earth adjective 脚踏实地的人,讲求实际的人,讲现实的人,实用物品

high-rise block:多层高楼街区

high-radiation area 高辐射区 | high-rise block 多层高楼街区 | high-rise rescue 高层建筑救援

high-rise building:高楼

多伦多供出租的住房有两种,一是高楼(High rise building)里的单元房,叫Apartment,这种房子条件较好,有的房租中包括水电费(Hydro included),有的不包括,租房时要问明.


sphenetite 钛辉榍石岩 | Manhattanize 使曼哈顿化,使(城市等)高楼密集 | irreversible magnetic susceptibility 不可逆磁化率

sky sign:高楼上的广告牌

sky pilot 牧师; 飞行员 | sky sign 高楼上的广告牌 | sky-high 高空中地; 天一般高地#极高的, 昂贵的

World Trade Center:世界贸易中心

这里的高楼不再是在任何时间都灯火通明--很久以前,"世界贸易中心"(World Trade Center)在使用者回家之后便关灯. 纽约的轮廓线上,只有少数顶部用灯光装饰的高楼. RS Lighting Design照明设计公司的拥有者兰迪萨贝德拉(Randy Sabedra)说:"高楼通宵照明已是过去的事情.

Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings:高楼压抑恐惧症

Bathophobia- Fear of depth.恐深症 | Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings.高楼压抑恐惧症 | Batrachophobia- Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.两栖动物恐...

Upper Floors:高楼

mechanical elevator机械升降梯 | upper floors 高楼 | steel building technology钢结构建筑技术

Greatoaks from little acorns grow:万丈高楼平地起

●Greatminds think alike. 英雄所见略同. | ●Greatoaks from little acorns grow. 万丈高楼平地起. | ●Greatsouls suffer in silence. 伟人受苦,声色不露.

in boudoirs on this night:高楼当此夜

homeward thoughts many bitter faces 思啼多苦颜. | in boudoirs on this night 高楼当此夜, | only sighing and no rest 叹息未应闲.