英语人>词典>汉英 : 高指标 的英文翻译,例句
高指标 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与高指标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is well known that it is numerically difficult to solve a high-index DAE problem.


This article used the method of the Spearman rank correlation coefficient analysis to research on the correlation dependence of the league tournament rank to the physical shape and the technical statistics during 2005-2006 CBA regular season. It has beenshown that physical shape has less correlation with and percentage of shots of three-pointers, percentage of shots of penalty, losing point, rebound of the back field and the turnovers have most correlation with league tournament rank. The major factors that determine the amount of net scores in games the percentage of shots of three-pointers by better teams may have greater effects in the league tournament rank.


With the fast developing computer technology, relay protection testing device is developing to embedded system. This provides the hardware system of relay protection testing device a very expanding space to be integrated, minimized, high characteristic, high performance.


Some unrealistically high targets, which it would do more harm than good to aim at, must be resolutely lowered, and some ill-managed enterprises which run at a heavy loss must be consolidated within a certain time span or even temporarily shut down so that consolidation can be carried out.


This is also an unrealistically high targets?


While for some indexes,such as length of medial longitudinal arch,length of lateral longitudinal arch,height of first metatarsophalangeal articulations,there is no longer changing with increasing load after adapting to a relatively lighter load.There is marked difference on the foot shapes between different items youth track man,especially for the throwers.Finally,five dimensions of foot morphological characteristics were found to establish the foot-shape-index-system,which are respectively metatarsophalangeal index,heel index,ankle index,arch of foot index and length of foot index,including 15 items.


Firstly we discuss the meanings, content and the principals of the evaluation of credit, and exert the credit theory of MAX to the evaluation of credit to get the contents for the evaluation of credit in theory. Then through analyzing the present system of credit evaluation in the civil and overseas countries, and through using the credit evaluating system of overseas risky venture, on the side of the creditor, we device the credit evaluating system into such six aspects as the character of the enterprises, the capacity of paying back, the capacity of payoff , the capacity of operating, the capacity of innovating and the capacity of pullulating. Finally we use the method of AHP and dim mathematics to demonstrate the feasibility of the system that is formed in the fifth part.


By analyzing the foot indexes variances of athletes at different loads, some useful conclusions have been discovered.Firstly,different weight-bearing has influence on the foot shapes of youth track man. Secondly,there is marked difference on the foot shapes between youth track man and common undergraduates.Then,Sensitive and non-sensitive indexes were discovered.Length,width of foot,height of internal malleolus,height of external malleolus,height of medial longitudinal arch,etc.varied significantly with the increasing work load.For length of instep,width of heel,toe angles,no differences were identified between sets.


By analyzing the foot indexes variances of athletes at different loads, some useful conclusions have been discovered.Firstly,different weight-bearing has influence on the foot shapes of youth track man. Secondly,there is marked difference on the foot shapes between youth track man and common undergraduates.Then,Sensitive and non-sensitive indexes were discovered.Length,width of foot,height of internal malleolus,height of external malleolus,height of medial longitudinal arch,etc.varied significantly with the increasing work load.


19" As the market rebounded, the strongest index for the real estate index, which is a small number of non-adherence to the market index hit another new low and take the lead in "9.19" high index; followed by small and medium-sized plate composite index, manufacturing Industry index, the pharmaceutical industry index, as well as Zero index, which had been cut,"9.19 high rebound in the region.


更多网络解释与高指标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coliform group:大肠(杆)菌群

指标微生物采用大肠杆菌群以及肠球菌群作为双指标:大肠杆菌群(Coliform group)密度检测结果高於 1000 CFU/100ml者,不符合甲类海域之海洋环境品质标准,即归类为不适合游泳;适合游泳者,再以肠球菌群(Enterococci)为娱乐用水水质分级,


Fog(雾,调节麻烦,效果也一般) | F-Stop(光圈系数为指标的调色工具) | Glow(高光效果)

high-pass filter:高马力

high pass 高马力 | high pass filter 高马力 | high performance bipolar process 高指标

high-level intellectual:高知

高原反应,高山反应altitude stress; altitude sickness | 高知high-level intellectual | 高指标high target


芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)小麦期货周一收高,因基金回补空头部位,且商业性买家在市场盘初跌至13个月低位後逢低买进.市场已呈高度超卖,到了技术性反弹的时机了.9月期约的9日相对强弱 指标(RSI)至周一收盘时为30,上周五收盘时为13,


3.WIDTH指标还需配合威廉指标(WR)、趋向指标(DMI)使用. 当WR(10)与WR(30)的值都大于50且DMI指标中,+DI>-DI,ADX和ADXR均向上走时,可靠性较高.


振荡指标愈高时,市场也愈里现"超买"(overbought)的情况. 在理想的状况下,就如同图8.11的钟摆一样,市场接近顶部时,振荡指标也会"迟缓下来";换言之,它会趋于平坦而做头. 然后,价格开始反转时,振荡指标会向下,而且持续向下,


需要注意的是,热敏打印机有低强度(Light Duty)和高强度(High Duty)之分,虽然两者从其他技术指标上看不出区别,但是低强度热敏打印机不能承受高频率、高强度的打印工作,长期大量的客流或者客流量在短期内突然增加都会极大地缩短打印机寿命,

high performance mos:高性能金属氧化物

high performance bipolar process 高指标双 | high performance mos 高性能金属氧化物 | high power laser 大功率激光器

