英语人>词典>汉英 : 高兴 的英文翻译,例句
高兴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cheerfulness  ·  conviviality  ·  delight  ·  gaiety  ·  gladness  ·  glee  ·  hilarity  ·  jocundity  ·  jolliness  ·  jollity  ·  joviality  ·  joy  ·  mirthfulness  ·  oho  ·  pleasure  ·  rejoice  ·  rejoicing  ·  chirk  ·  delighting  ·  joyancy  ·  pleasuring  ·  chirked  ·  chirking  ·  chirks  ·  delights  ·  jollities  ·  joyed  ·  joying  ·  joys  ·  pleasured  ·  pleasures  ·  rejoiced  ·  rejoices  ·  glees

be pleased · be proud of · good humor · in good spirits · be of good cheer · lift up one's head · be delight with · rejoice at
更多网络例句与高兴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think that the subject is probably happy with this, and I'm happy, and the Berkman Center's happy because they're not all pictures of people sitting at desks in the Berkman Center.


Exhilarate高兴:I exhilarated by knowing the news.


If she is happy ,she will wave hand to him,not happy,gape to him,hapyy again,wave again.


She waves to him when she is happy but gapes to him if she is not happy, and wave again to him if she is happy again.


She bekons to him when she's delight, gapes to him when she's not happy, and bekons to him again if she's happy again.


She beckons to him when she is delight,and gapes to him when she not delight.And beckons to him again when she happy.


Waves when delight, gapes is not, waves again when delight again, and he, has to accept her with sadness.


She beckons to him when she delight, and gapes to him when she not delight, and beckon to him if happy again.


Men began to throng into (crowd into 涌进)the office and call athim over the railing, jovially(amused 愉快的,高兴的), sharply, viciously, excitedly.


The use of "高兴高兴" instead of "高兴" is due to the mood of the sentence and the syllabic needs.


更多网络解释与高兴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And am I glad to see you:我看见你才高兴呢

Am I glad to see you! 我看到你真的很高兴! | And am I glad to see you! 我看见你才高兴呢! | I am also glad to be here. 我很高兴来这儿.

main bahut kush hun:我非常高兴

main kush hun 我高兴 | main bahut kush hun 我非常高兴. | Main kush nahin hun 我不高兴

Beanbag,Beanba:(豆子袋,豆子袋 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您

106 Balloons(气球 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您 | 107 Beanbag,Beanba(豆子袋,豆子袋 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您 | 108 Bingo(宾果 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您


gladly /高兴地/ | gladness /高兴/喜欢/欢乐/ | gladsome /高兴的/快乐的/愉快的/


gladness /高兴/喜欢/欢乐/ | gladsome /高兴的/快乐的/愉快的/ | gladsomely /高兴地/快乐地/


grouchily /不高兴/ | grouchiness /不高兴/不平/ | grouchy /不高兴的/不平的/

hoss:嘿 很高兴再见你 很高兴再见你 老伙计

Look who's here! Look who's here! Hee-hee!|看看谁来了 看看谁来了 嘿嘿 | Hey, good to see ya! Good to see ya, hoss.|嘿 很高兴再见你 很高兴再见你 老伙计 | Man! Oh! Good to see ya!|伙计 哦 真高兴见到你

Tikkabilla Jive:(啼咔比拉摇摆舞 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您

167 Three Little Kittens(三只小高兴育儿论坛欢迎您猫 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您 | 168 Tikkabilla Jive(啼咔比拉摇摆舞 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您 | 169 Two Little Blackbirds(两只黑色的小鸟 ) 高兴育儿论坛欢迎您


hilarity,高兴,欢喜,欢闹的心情 | jocundity,高兴,快乐,愉快 | jollity,高兴,欢乐,欢闹,酒宴,喜庆


jocundity,高兴,快乐,愉快 | jollity,高兴,欢乐,欢闹,酒宴,喜庆 | joviality,高兴,快乐,愉悦