英语人>词典>汉英 : 髌的 的英文翻译,例句
髌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective To study the effect of treatment of suprapatellar bursitis and inflama- tion of subpatellar fat pad and their correlation.

目的 探讨原发性髌上滑囊炎与髌下脂肪垫炎的治疗及其相关性。

No synarthrophysis, wound infection, implant disrupture, screw loose, patellar fracture or vascular nerve injury was observed in three groups of patients; There were 12 cases presenting anterior knee pain in the B-TP-B autograft group and 5 cases presenting posterior knee pain in the semitendinosus tendon graft group.


PTA and FTD at all degrees and FTD at the 18 and 24 degrees of flection can be used to investigate the position of the patellofemoral joint effectively in kinematic MR and we suggest using the PTA, FTD and FTA at the 20 degree of flection in axial plane to study the patellofemoral joint in the future clinic.


Afterwards, releases were carried on by the sequences: suprapatellar bursa; medial and lateral channel; medial and lateral patellar retinaculum; patella/femoral joint; condyloid socket; medial and lateral chamber; adhesion between femoral and quadriceps.


Objective: Patellofemoral malalignment is commen in clinics, and it will lead to chondromalacia.


Methods 27 cases of patellofemoral pain combined with osteoarthritis of patellofemoral joint, chondromalacia of patella, malalignment of patella, sublimation of patella, or excessive lateral pressure syndrome were treated with modified tibial tubercle advancement procedure combined with removing local inflammatory synovium Results The therapeutic effect was excellent and good in 24 out of 27 cases.

分别患有髌股关节炎、髌骨力线不正、髌骨半脱有软骨软化或髌股外侧间隔压力过高综合征等的髌股间疼痛的患者27例,采用发言奶胫骨结节势高术,结合切除局部炎变的滑膜。结果 27例患者中24例疗效优良。

The animal model of infrapatellar fat injury showed that the data of SP, CGRP, NPY and IL- 1, IL- 6, TNF were higher in injury group than those in control group. Silver needle treated knee joint infrapatellar fat injury gained preferable effect.


Patellofemoral alignment were evaluated through MRI in 12 of them. We followed up 34 Cases (37 knees) and compared patellofemoal score with prcoperation, so that we could evaluate the effects of bipolar radiofrequency in the treatment of patellofemoral malalignment.


Measurement of patellofemoral alignment according to the surface of cartilage was more accurately than that of osseous contour.


METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed in 76 patients underwent arthroscopic PCL reconstruction, with the use of B-TP-B autograft in 21 patients, B-TP-B allograft in 27 patients, semitendinosus tendon autograft in 28 patients.


更多网络解释与髌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trepidation sign:震颤征,髌阵挛:同

Trendelenburg's sign Trendelenburg征:见tests项下 | trepidation sign 震颤征,髌阵挛:同patellar clonus | Trimadeau's sign Trimadeau征:食道狭窄处以上扩张呈圆锥形表示此狭窄为纤维性的,如呈杯状则为恶性病变


epirock浅带变质岩 | epirotulian髌上的 | epirubicin表柔比星


infrapalpebralsulcus 睑下沟 睑下沟 | infrapatellar 髌下的 | infrapatellarfatpad 髌下脂体


patellapexy /髌骨固定术/髌固定术/ | patellar /膝盖骨的/ | patellectomy /髌骨切除术/髌切除术/


patella 髌,膝盖 | patellar 膝的,髌(骨)的 | patellectomy 髌骨切除术


patellectomy /髌骨切除术/髌切除术/ | patelliform /髌样的/ | patellometer /膝盖反射计/


prepartal 分娩前的 | prepatellar 髌前的 | prepatent 潜状期的


prepatellar 髌前的 | prepatent 潜状期的 | prepause 预定间歇


supranational /超国家的/ | supraorbital /眼窝上的/ | suprapatellar /髌上的/


-- 伸肌结构群的伤害:包括股四头肌或髌腱的肌腱炎、拉伤、或断裂,髌骨或胫骨上端的骨折,以及成长发育期中的青少年运动员胫骨上方骨骺(epiphyses)部位的伤害等.