英语人>词典>汉英 : 髂腰的 的英文翻译,例句
髂腰的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective: To study the diagnostic value of CT on enlarged iliopsoas bursa.

目的 :探讨髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现,诊断价值及鉴别。

Methods: MRI and clinical findings in 21 cases on the enlarged iliopsoas bursa were retrospectively analyzed.


Incision by raising a flap along the dorsolumbar fascia to the rim of the iliac crest, and then carrying


The two other main branches of the dorsal ramus are the intermediate branch, which sends fibers into the longissimus muscle,and the lateral branch, which innervates the iliocostalis muscle, the thoracolumbar fascia, the skin of the lower back and buttock, and the sacroiliac joint.29,136,137 At the superomedial border of the trans-verse processes where the lumbar medial branches are most amenable to blockade, these nerves are in such close proximity that anesthetizing any one of them will almost invariably lead to blockade of the others branches of the primary dorsal rami.


The iliolumbar artery could not be dodged due to its special anatomic origins.


RESULTS: Under the axial loading on the intact specimen, 70% stress contributed at the pars, 26% at intervertebral disc, and 2.8% at iliolumbar ligament.


The arteries were embolized based on the arterial supply to the sacrum, resulting in occlusion of the internal iliac, lateral sacral, lumbar, iliolumbar, and median sacral arteries.


When dragging common iliac vein medially for the exposure of the disc space, both the ascending lumbar and the iliolumbar veins were always at the risk of avulsion.


Percutaneous drainage is often used for secondary iliopsoas abscess due to pyogenic spondylitis.


Methods Twenty-eight patients with neurogenic fecalinco ntinence (4 to 12 years of age), underwent suspension of pelvic floor by bilateral transposition of iliopsoas muscle. Pelvic floor training was started 3 week spost-operatively. The continence was assessed on clinical symptoms, Barium en ema and anal manometry.


更多网络解释与髂腰的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




髂腰肌(Iliopsoas)由两块肌肉组成,髂肌(Iliacus)和腰大肌(Psoas Major). 髂肌起于骨盆的髂嵴(Pelvi Crest髂骨的内表面),连结在股骨(Femur大腿骨)上. 腰大肌起于脊柱的腰椎段,连结在股骨(大腿骨)上. 髂腰肌的主要功能就是使髋关节屈曲,

iliohypogastric nerve:髂腹下神经

第12肋也参与构成一边,则成四边形.腰上三角的表面由背阔肌覆盖,深面是腹横肌腱膜,腹横肌深面有肋下神经(subcostal nerve),髂腹下神经(iliohypogastric nerve)和髂腹股沟神经(ilioinguinal nerve)斜向外下穿行.腰下三角位于腰上三角的外下方,

ilioinguinal nerve:髂腹股沟神经

第12肋也参与构成一边,则成四边形.腰上三角的表面由背阔肌覆盖,深面是腹横肌腱膜,腹横肌深面有肋下神经(subcostal nerve),髂腹下神经(iliohypogastric nerve)和髂腹股沟神经(ilioinguinal nerve)斜向外下穿行.腰下三角位于腰上三角的外下方,


iliopectinealfascia 髂耻弓 髂耻筋膜 | iliopelvic 髂盆的 | iliopsoasmuscle 髂腰肌


髂腰肌(Iliopsoas)与下背部(腰骶部)疼痛在为前来研修的教练讲授理疗瑜伽时,髂腰肌(Iliopsoas)与下背部(腰骶部)疼痛问题是其中的一个重要的部分. 髋部的屈曲主要由髋关节屈肌(Hip Flexors)的活动所支持.

iliopsoas muscle:髂腰肌

一般来说,习惯性翘脚的人,两侧的髂腰肌(iliopsoas muscle)会产生不平衡,而髂腰肌是从腰椎连结到骨盆及大腿骨很重要的肌肉群,也是在行走时控制姿势、平衡和抬腿的主要肌肉群之一,所以习惯翘腿的人,很容易在行走时左右晃动.


\\"荐髂的\\",\\"sacro-iliac\\" | \\"荐腰的\\",\\"sacrolumbar\\" | \\"荐坐骨的\\",\\"sacrosciatic\\"

erector spinae:竖脊肌

竖脊肌(erector spinae)又名:骶棘肌为脊柱后方的长肌,下起骶骨背面,上达枕骨后方,填于棘突与肋角之间的沟内. 它以总腱起自骶骨背面、腰椎棘突、髂嵴后部和胸腰筋膜,向上分为三部:外侧为髂肋肌iliocostalis,止于肋角;中间为最长肌longissimus,

thoracolumbar fascia:胸腰筋膜

胸腰筋膜(thoracolumbar fascia) 包裹在竖脊肌的周围,可以分浅、深两层. 浅层在竖脊肌的表面,向内侧附于棘突,其腰部显著增厚且与背阔肌的腱膜紧密结合,此部于竖脊肌的外侧缘与深层会合而构成竖脊肌鞘;深层分隔竖脊肌与腰方肌,位于第12肋与髂嵴之间,