英语人>词典>汉英 : 骨性的 的英文翻译,例句
骨性的 的英文翻译、例句


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New bone formation was observed to be increasing significamly in both DCN bone cements and DC bone cements with the passage of time. By the end of 24 weeks, new bone had bridged the gap between the proximal and distal fragments in DCN bone cements and DC bone cements. By histomorphological detection in DCN bone cements, Abundant of chondral and new bone islands were seen at the site of defects 4 weeks after the operation and a number of new bones formed and enlarged by both enchondral ossification and appositional formation by the 8th weeks.


Arthropathy is also called osteal arthropathy, or recessive arthropathy, with the symptom of knee cartilage injury.


The skull at this early age is cartilaginous and flexible.


Into'.'' cartilage or become cartilaginous.


On the plain scan of CT, the appearances of the aneurysmal bone cyst were the various expansile changes. In destruction of bone, the capsular districts and septation can be seen. On MR T1WI and T2WI, we can see the low signal ring of the diseased region borderline, the diseased region bulk was full of fluid which has miscellaneous signals, it can be seen the low or slightly high signal. In the diseased region, the septation which have low signals both on the T1WI and T2WI can be seen.


If the fontanelle is too small, closed prematurely, head circumference and small, sports and intellectual development of backward and vomiting associated with increased intracranial pressure, such as performance is suffering from microcephaly.


An extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays.


OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship of knee malalignment to the occurrence of knee osteoarthritis among subjects without radiographic OA at baseline to determine whether malalignment is a risk factor for incident disease or simply a marker of increasing disease severity.


The process of osteoarthritis mesochondrium degradation is possibly attributed to the synergistical consequence of MMPs and other factors. Pilose antler peptide can promote the proliferation of OA chondrocytes of rabbits ,inhibit the overexpression of MMPs of OA chondrocytes.It can possibly play a effective role in the treatment of OA.


All above conditions constitute considerably less than 10% of patients presenting with LBP. The rest of the patients presenting with LBP may be grouped together as laving 'non-osseous causes of LBP' or 'somatic' LBP. Any of the pain-producing structure of the lumbar spine may cause LBP.


更多网络解释与骨性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bony nasal cavity:骨性鼻腔

◎②骨性鼻腔(bony nasal cavity)位于面颅中央,被骨性鼻中隔分为左右两部. 骨性鼻中隔由筛骨垂直板和犁骨构成. 鼻腔前方的开口称梨状孔,后方为成对的鼻后孔. 鼻腔的顶主要由筛板构成. 外侧壁结构比较复杂,有3个向下卷曲的骨片,

osseous:骨的 骨性的

骨黏蛋白 osseomucoid | 骨的;骨性的 osseous | 骨质迷路;骨迷路 osseous labyrinth


正常骨组织被吸收,而代之以均质梭形细胞的纤维组织和发育不良的网状骨骨小梁,可能系网状骨未成熟期骨成熟停滞,开出生后网状骨支持紊乱,或构成骨摘要: [概述] 骨性关节炎(osteoarthritis)和骨性关节病(osteoarthrosis)近来也以软骨软化性关节病(chondromalacicarthrosis),

Neck: Osteoarthritis:颈骨性关节炎

Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症 | Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎 | Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤

Neck: Osteoarthritis:颈骨性关节炎 Bvg中国英语学习网

Muscular Dystrophy 肌肉萎缩症 Bvg中国英语学习网 | Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎 Bvg中国英语学习网 | Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤 Bvg中国英语学习网


软骨化[作用] cartilaginification | 软骨状的 cartilaginoid | 软骨的,软骨性的 cartilaginous


membrano-proliferativetype 膜性增殖型 | membranocartilaginous 膜软骨性的 | membranochromicpigments 膜色素


osteogeneticprocess 成骨过程 | osteogenic 成骨性的 | osteogenicaction 成骨作用


Antimicrobial抗菌剂,杀菌剂;抗菌的 | osteogenic成骨性的,生骨的,骨原的 | hydroxyapatite羟基磷灰石


osteogenin /成骨素/ | osteogenous /成骨性的/ | osteoid /类骨质/