英语人>词典>汉英 : 骏马 的英文翻译,例句
骏马 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

fine horse · gallant horse · All the Pretty Horses
更多网络例句与骏马相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" And Ulysses answered,"Nestor son of Neleus, honour to the Achaean name, heaven, if it so will, can give us even better horses than these, for the gods are far mightier than we are.

" 听罢这番话,足智多谋的俄底修斯答道:"奈斯托耳,奈琉斯之子,阿开亚人的光荣和骄傲,一位神祗如果愿意,可以随手牵出比这些更好的骏马;他们远比我们强健。

Afteryears of showjumping events both nationally and internationally,Leverhas finally found a horse good enough to take to the OlympicGames, andhe is determined to make the most of his chance.


Out of their love a wonderful horse,Arion by name,was born.


Out of their love a wonderful horse,Arion byname,was born.


Of trophies, standards, and armorial beasts


When looking at a horse from a distance, it is important to pay attention to its body language.


With this he lashed his goodly steeds, and when they felt the whip they drew the chariot full speed among the Achaeans and Trojans, over the bodies and shields of those that had fallen: the axle was bespattered with blood, and the rail round the car was covered with splashes both from the horses' hoofs and from the tyres of the wheels.


Chinese courser is walking towards the world.


Language is important to us, exactly as a courser is important to the knight; whether the teaching is successful or not depends on the ability of a teacher as a knight controlling the courser.


As a semidetached part of Yunnan Lifan Junma Vehicle Co., Ltd, Yunnan Lifan Junma Import and Export Co., Ltd is founded in July, 2006, located on Xiangshan Rd., Daying Subdistrict, Dali City, Yunnan, China. it is a solely-funded Limited Liability Company by one juridical person.


更多网络解释与骏马相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


course (行程,进程,路程,道路,课程) | courser (跑步者,追猎者;猎犬,骏马) | concourse (汇合,集合,合流)

Centaur Courser:半人骏马

171Bramble Creeper竹林匍行怪M10 | 172Centaur Courser半人骏马M10 | 173Craw Wurm巨爪亚龙M10

Nessian Courser:奈西安骏马

147Nacatl War-Pride拿卡地战群FUT | 148Nessian Courser奈西安骏马FUT | 149Phosphorescent Feast磷光盛宴FUT

Brown Courser:褐色的骏马

07. 古刹南无 Ksana Namas | 08. 褐色的骏马 Brown Courser | 09. 五彩云霞 Gorgeous Rosy Clouds

Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls:一匹匹骏马顿足嘶鸣

The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls 天明时圉人来到马厩中 | Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls; 一匹匹骏马顿足嘶鸣; | The day returns, but nevermore 白日会转,但在岸上

toldui sira keger mori:黄骠骏马

[11]barim bambal del-tei 长着茂密的鬃毛的 | toldui sira keger mori 黄骠骏马[16] | [12]buGu-yin arasun Salbur-iyan 把鹿皮裤子

Black Stallion:黑骏马

7.Lullaby 摇篮曲 | 8.Black Stallion 黑骏马 | 9.Hummingbird 蜂鸟


steatite porcelain 块滑石瓷 | steed 骏马 | steel accommodation ladder 钢质舷梯

Cockfighter Ghost Hunter Valley Unwooded Chardonnay:骏马牌猎人谷莎当妮

60. 精选梅多克-罗斯希尔酒园 Rothshild Medoc Reserve Spe... | 61. 骏马牌猎人谷莎当妮 Cockfighter Ghost Hunter Valley Unwooded Chardonnay | 62. 骏马牌珍藏苏维翁红 Cockfighter Ghost Reserve Coonawarra Cab...

black beauty:(黑骏马)

<<黑骏马>>是英国作家Anna Sewell第一部也是唯一的一部小说. 小说以第一"马"称的角度以自传式的方法记叙了一匹名叫"黑骏马"(Black Beauty)的优种黑马的一生. 对小说感兴趣的朋友可以下载本贴的电子书阅览.