英语人>词典>汉英 : 饼馅 的英文翻译,例句
饼馅 的英文翻译、例句


pie filling
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Guangdong-flavor-moon cakes: The moon cakes is rich in nutrient, its hull, stuffing and salted vitellus is easy to go mouldy.


Fresh Squid tentacle sections, mashed yellow croaker and pollution-free cubed carrot and green string bean sections are selected as raw materials which are then added, mixed and stirred with an adhesive, a seasoning agent and a tenderizer in proper amount to form fillings; the fillings are then moulded into caked filling cores which are steamed and cooled; the outer surface of the filling core is evenly coated with a layer of stiff paste, the outer surface of which is evenly attached with a layer of puffed outer coating so as to form a caked quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak which takes the shape of a puffed powder slice and is internally provided with a filling core wrapped with the stiff paste; after being quick-frozen, the squid and vegetable steak can then be made into the quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak food.


Their skin color to red, white-based, but with different fillings and decoration: muffin color white, the three walnut inlay, stuffing for white sugar, between pine nut kernels; Rose cake red skin color, printed on rose petals 6 , filling in sugar, mainly roses;tai shi cake white skin color, stained with sesame, fordou sha xian ; Longfeng cake red skin color, printed with dragon and phoenix patterns, filling in sugar, bananas, mainly silk roses; hawthorn Tao was peach, red under the skin on the Green, a Hawthorn-based stuffing.


Sweet potatoes are served Baked or mashed and used as pie filling.


Sweet potatoes are served baked or mash ed and used as pie filling.


Sweet potatoes are served bake d or mashed and used as pie filling.


The pie filling is very particular about the materials used to choose when an annual output of the Xiang-lian, the topping-out color of golden, creamy Qingxiang, shape Fengmei moon cakes, fresh Low.


Tao Tao Habitat last month, created in the late Qing Early Republic of China, the pie filling from ham, ducks, on the meat hook shrimp, peanut, Dong Gu, more than 20 kinds of ingredients such as lotus seeds and egg yolk Bancheng, Xiantian moderate, Pibao soft, Is a civil one of the most favorite cakes.


Place the pastry-lined pie plate on the oven rack.


For filling, in a mixing bowl combine pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Add eggs. Beat lightly with a rotary beater or fork just until combined.


更多网络解释与饼馅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bean sprout:芽菜

春卷 准备馅料:我们的春卷馅料包括: 1.荤料:虾仁,切小块的鱼饼,炒猪肉丝,鸡蛋皮切的丝 2.素料:沙葛丝(注,沙葛就是地梨,英文为:JICAMA ROOT),芽菜(BEAN SPROUT),韭黄(或韭菜 CHRIVE),老爸豆腐干切丝 由于春卷馅料根据各人口味,

blond hair:金发

序言本集故事中Rachel想吃pizza(比萨饼),而且特意问是不是那个金发(blond hair)帅小伙(handsome boy)送货. 其实很多人都喜欢吃pizza,它是一种中间夹有各种蔬菜馅的饼,由于味美(delicious),所以深受大家的喜爱.


可丽饼(Crepe)是法国传统小食,是一种以一张煎饼皮包裹多种配料的点心. 但由于馅料与面皮配方的不同,让可丽饼有着无穷变化,柔软有劲的饼皮可以包裹甜咸冷热任意搭配的无限种可能口可丽饼(Crepe)是法国传统小食,


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pimiento filling:甜辣椒馅

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Vegetable strudel:蔬菜馅卷饼

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Egg Tart:蛋挞

蛋挞,(Egg Tart)台湾称为蛋塔,挞为英文"tart"之音译,意指馅料外露的馅饼(相对表面被饼皮覆盖馅料密封之批[派]馅饼pie);蛋挞即以蛋浆为馅料"tart". 做法是把饼皮放进小圆盆状的饼模中,倒入由砂糖及鸡蛋混合而成之蛋浆,然后放入烤炉;


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Pineapple Fritters:凤梨馅油炸饼

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