英语人>词典>汉英 : 饼 的英文翻译,例句
饼 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
cake  ·  caked  ·  cakes

a round flat cake · sth. shaped like a cake
更多网络例句与饼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gingersnap 姜饼 a gingersnap flavored with brandy.


Through the experimental study of existing evaluation method of mud cake compressibility, this paper compares the compressibility under normal temperature static / dynamic state, with three evaluation methods "cake percotation rate ","penetrometer", and "two stage water loss".


Fu character cakes, Lu character cakes, Longevity cakes, character cakes Xi , Taishi cakes, salt and pepper cake, Chinese Date Cake, Sa-qi-ma.


Cake properties such as cake thickness, toughness, slickness and permeability are important because the cake that forms on permeable zones in the wellbore can cause stuck pipe and other drilling problems.


Their skin color to red, white-based, but with different fillings and decoration: muffin color white, the three walnut inlay, stuffing for white sugar, between pine nut kernels; Rose cake red skin color, printed on rose petals 6 , filling in sugar, mainly roses;tai shi cake white skin color, stained with sesame, fordou sha xian ; Longfeng cake red skin color, printed with dragon and phoenix patterns, filling in sugar, bananas, mainly silk roses; hawthorn Tao was peach, red under the skin on the Green, a Hawthorn-based stuffing.


They made some banana muffins, oatmeal biscuits and some type of chocolate biscuit - these were done by Ashling and she also put some icing on top of the muffins.

他们做了一些香蕉松、燕麦粥乾和某种巧克力乾-这些由Ashling完成,并且她也投入了一些 icing 在松顶部。

MAKING MATZOTH \ 制作逾越节无酵饼 Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men kneaded dough for matzoth in Jerusalem Monday.


Apple juice Bangbangtang Xiang Bin Christmas Cookies Man blueberry sauce Danjiu Fruit cake Gingerbread Honey ham Hot chocolate Small almond cake Cake Pengguanbai Strawberry rhubarb pie Walnut cake Pumpkin pie Christmas customs duck States: France-central France, Quarless, a few days before Christmas each year will drop snow, snow Aiai, it is refreshing.

苹果汁 棒棒糖香宾圣诞节曲奇蔓越桔调味汁蛋酒水果蛋糕姜蜂蜜火腿热巧克力小杏仁苹果派草莓大黄胡桃南瓜烤鸭各国圣诞节习俗:法国法国中部旳色日尔斯地方,每年圣诞节前后几天必降大雪,白雪皑皑,令人清新。

Apple juice bangbangtang xiang bin christmas cookies man blueberry sauce danjiu fruit cake gingerbread honey ham hot chocolate small almond cake cake pengguanbai strawberry rhubarb pie walnut cake pumpkin pie christmas customs duck states france-central france, quarless, a few days before christmas

苹果汁 棒棒糖香宾圣诞节曲奇蔓越桔调味汁蛋酒水果蛋糕姜蜂蜜火腿热巧克力小杏仁苹果派草莓大黄胡桃南瓜烤鸭各国圣诞节习俗法国法国中部的色日尔斯地方,每年圣诞节前后几天必降大雪,白雪皑皑,令人清新。

In Scotland and Ulster savoury varieties of scone include soda scones, also known as soda farls, and potato scones, which resemble small, thin savoury pancakes made with potato flour.


更多网络解释与饼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apple-pie, apple-pie:苹果饼,苹果饼

Apple-pie, apple-pie, 苹果,苹果, | Peter likes apple-pie; 彼得喜欢 | I see the moon, 我看月亮,


新鲜出炉的皮塔(pita)、百吉(Bagel)的诱人香气吸引了许多顾客,店主是来自地中海的一个妈妈. 鸡肉沙威玛(shawarma)和法拉费(falafel)都很不错,配了皮塔、以色列式沙拉和其他配菜,午餐晚餐都有供应. 周末,早起的人不妨尝尝以色列早餐.


司康又称英國茶餅、英國松餅,是一种比薄麦(Bannock)要厚的烤餅. 是英式下午茶常見的点心. 习惯抹上蜂蜜,果浆或奶油(夏天可以抹冰淇淋). 60737 司康原料


艾伦西 Aaron | 贝文西 Bevan | (纳库)那酷西 Naku

brandy snap:脆糖饼

脆面hippen paste | 脆糖brandy snap | 茶 tea bread


"开斗"有两个作用:首先,是要通过开斗,积起一层"炭"(Cake). 所谓的"炭",就是烟草燃烧时产生的焦油、炭粒等物质,积聚在烟斗内壁表面,自然形成一层厚实的黑炭层. "炭"的作用,是有效阻隔烟草燃烧时产生的高温传导到斗壁,


格雷派(Galette) 格雷派是一种扁平和小型的法国派,上面有一层果酱、果仁、奶油、干酪或肉类等. 有的人喜欢在格雷派上面放一点冰淇淋吃. 格雷派的种类非常多,比如有苹果格雷派、菠萝格雷派、土豆格雷派、胡萝卜格雷派、樱桃格雷派、桃子格雷派和脆梨格雷派等.

pie chart:饼图

小作文提高:图(pie chart)写作经典范例鉴赏 胡伟提示: 图(pie chart)是雅思写作Task 1 里常考的题型之一,其写作非常值得我们深入研究. 现专供一图的写作范例与各位"雅友"一起分享,期望对大家的图写作带去一些启...今年是雅思考试20周年,


可丽(Crepes)是源起于法国布列塔尼省Brittany),一种极具平民特色的点心,每到中午时分就有一大群人涌进空间狭小店内,大啖可丽浓厚的奶油香味. 如果,不能亲自前往可丽的发源地,不妨在巴黎香谢里舍大道上,品尝一下平民风味的可丽也不错哦.

Fortune cookie:签饼

Description: 幸运签(fortune cookie)是一种里面包著智慧预言小纸签的乾,每个人每天每种幸运签只能开一次,否则会为吃签的人带来不幸. 只要每天吃幸运签并且照著签文上的指示做事,你的日子就会就会越过越顺心,事情则会越做越顺利.