英语人>词典>汉英 : 饱和曲线 的英文翻译,例句
饱和曲线 的英文翻译、例句


saturation curve
更多网络例句与饱和曲线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ACTH〓 at concentration of 10〓-10〓 had no significant influence on the saturation curve, Scatchard plot and Hill plot of 〓-DAGO binding to rat brain membrane.


Main contents and conclusions are: 1 The ionization current was measured continuously by a charge-integration method with a computer after the introduction of radon into the chamber.

主要内容及结论:1充氡后利用计算机连续进行电离电流累积测量,得到了精细的电流随时间的变化曲线,可清楚看出氡及其子体的生成衰变造成的电离电流的生长—稳定—衰减过程,与理论计算值进行了比较,由电离电流衰减速度的变化得出氡吸附作用的影响,并测量到电离室冲洗后氡的反扩散现象;2由已知活度的标准源定出相对测量的刻度系数K值,K=24.62 Bq/pA,对同一个监测源以半年为周期进行多次测量后得出稳定性符合要求;3通过测量电离电流和气压的关系曲线以及不同气压下的饱和曲线,确定了常规的工作条件;4测量了盐酸清洗电离室内表面降低本底的效果;5不确定度分析表明相对测氡的扩展不确定度(k=2)小于5%,由本底涨落得出探测下限为0.5 Bq;6理论上对壁损失修正进行了计算,实验上保持电离室工作在饱和区的情况下,测量了不同气压下电离电流的变化,从中得出了壁损失随气压变化的规律,可以看出,电离电流的实测值和计算值随气压变化规律基本一致;当气压大于125 kPa时,端效应等其它因素造成的影响不大于2%,因而在此工作条件下,测量电离电流后通过计算修正壁损失可以实现近似的绝对测氡,提出了进一步提高绝对测量准确度的方法。

The light saturation curve of soybean photosynthesis has been determined by a number of workers.


Then, activity, Km for pyruvate and Kc for ThDP of wild-type and mutant PDH are measured.


The isolated a subunit binds oxygen, but the O2 saturation curve is hyperbolic rather than sigmoid.


Considering the change of the volume from the liquid state to the gas state, this paper implored the Clapeyron differential equation and the equation of vapor-liquid equilibrium, then obtained the heat of gasification and the entropy from 20 K to 38 K and the saturation curve.


Relationship between Frequency change and target DNA concentration showed a simple saturation curve.


L〓 which is eight times higher than Cao's. The quenchings of Fm by DMQ and DCBQ are not linear with their concentration, but an approximate saturation curve. This means there are at least two quenching processes.


Considering the cha nge of the volume from the liquid state to the gas state, this paper implored the Clapeyron differential equation and the equation of vapor-liquid equilibrium, then obtai n ed the heat of gasification and the entropy from 20 K to 38 K and the saturation curve.

本文采用Clapeyron方程的微分形式和氘的汽液平衡方程,考虑氘由液态转变为气态的体积变化,计算得到20 K到38 K各温度对应的气化热和熵变,最后绘制出氘的饱和曲线

In this paper, purification of growth hormone receptor from ovine liver and identification of its biochemical character have been done.Firstly, by homogenizing, triturating, high-speed centrifuging, hypervelocity centrifuging and sucrose density grade centrifuging cell membrane of ovine liver was separated and its electron microscope slice wasprotein was disL~olved with TritonX-100,amL-thebinding activity between cell membrane or membrane protein and ~I-hGH using RRAwas measured, perfect saturated curve wasgained. Thirdly, specific binding of GILR protein was measured ,by SDSPAGE, its molecular weight is about 1 19KD.


更多网络解释与饱和曲线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saturation current:饱和电流=>飽和電流

saturation core regulator 饱和铁芯稳压器,铁磁饱和稳压器 | saturation current 饱和电流=>飽和電流 | saturation curve 饱和曲线=>飽和曲線

saturation curve:饱和曲线

saturation effect 饱和效应 | saturation curve 饱和曲线 | flux linkage 磁链

saturation curve:饱和曲线 flux linkage 磁链

saturation effect 饱和效应 | saturation curve 饱和曲线 flux linkage 磁链 | per unit value 标么值

full-load saturation curve:满载饱和曲线

full-load running 满载运转 | full-load saturation curve 满载饱和曲线 | full-load slip 满载转差率

full-load saturation curve:全负荷饱和曲线

full load saturating curve 满载饱和曲线 | full load saturation curve 全负荷饱和曲线 | full load starting 满载启动

adiabatic saturation curve:绝热饱和曲线

"adiabatic reactor","绝热反应器" | "adiabatic saturation curve","绝热饱和曲线" | "adiabatic saturation temperature","绝热饱和温度"

oxygen saturation curve:氧饱和曲线

阳离子型表面活性剂|cationic surfactant | 氧饱和曲线|oxygen saturation curve | 氧电极|oxygen electrode

normal saturation curve:正常饱和曲线

normal salt 正盐 | normal sand 标准砂 | normal saturation curve 正常饱和曲线

saturation adiabat:饱和绝热线

saturation 饱和 | saturation adiabat 饱和绝热线 | saturation curve 饱和曲线

saturation factor:饱和率

saturation curve 饱和曲线 | saturation factor 饱和率 | saturation induction 饱和感应