英语人>词典>汉英 : 饱和因子 的英文翻译,例句
饱和因子 的英文翻译、例句


saturation factor
更多网络例句与饱和因子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the condition that the maximum index change at the core-cladding interface and absorption coefficient were constant, the numerical results indicated that the reflectivity of cross-mode coupling peak between LP_ 01 and LP_ 11 modes varies parabolically with the saturation length of index change.


The simulation job of saturator is performed based on the founded model, in which the difference between Lewis factor and Lewis number and also the impact of the Lewis factor value on simulation results is discussed in details.


On the basis of the grey related result, six factors including soil saturated water-holding ability, soil non-capillary porosity, lower shrubs and grass coverage, litters height, soil water infiltration rate, forest canopy density have been selected as the indexes to assess the water-conserving and flood-controlling function of protection forests.


A uniform designmethod was employed to study the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid enrichmentin the egg yolk and tissues and its effect on lipid metabolism of layinghens by supplementing flaxseeds,fish oils,vitamin E,and teapolyphenolsin the diet.


The results show that a the variation of annual mean runoff of Huayuankou section exist an intrinsic dynamic mechanism, which is the results of joint action of affecting factor of periodicity and non-periodicity, having obvious chaos characteristic; b the correlation dimension of attractor of phase space is 5.09 and saturation inserted dimension is 14. It shows that to establish a mathematical model of the annual mean runoff system of Huayuankou at least requires 6 independent variables and the required saturation inserted dimension for rebuilding phase space is 14; c the steady estimate of Kolmogorov entropy is 0.14, showing the average predictable time of the annual mean runoff variation of Huayuankou is about 7 years and; d using nonlinear deterministic chaos model is more suitable to describe the variation of annual mean runoff of Huayuankou.


The dependence of saturation factor on pumping power is measured .


This method can obtain the threshold voltage,mobility of small-dimensional devices and velocity saturation factor, while the resultsobtained by this method includes the short, narrow channel effects, the degradation ofchannel mobility due to gate voltage, velocity saturation effect and the seriesresistance of source terminal.


Now it is considered that the formation of cholesterol gallstone must include follow conditions: decompensation of liver, secreting supersaturation hepatobile, broken balance of nucleating proteins with anti-nucleating proteins, and declining of gallbladder motility, which for bile to have enough time to form concretions in the gallbladder.


Firstly, based on the analysis of viscosity data, combined with other methods, a new method is proposed to calculate the viscosity of saturated vapor of halides. The calculation can be done on condition that the critical temperature, critical pressure, critical specific volume, molecular weight and the eccentric factor are known.


Because the rate of ET and HT reactions is determined by the coupling term J, and in long range ET and HT systems the degeneracy of the π orbitals of donor and acceptor is lifted through mixing with the bridge orbitals of appropriate symmetry by an amount △E. Because the △E splittings are proportional to electronic coupling, so we can use the static quantity △E to exploring the dynamic quantity J, and to make a detailed study on the microscopic influence of coupling mechanism in ET and HT process.


更多网络解释与饱和因子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saturation ionization current:饱和离子化电流

saturation factor 饱和因子 | saturation ionization current 饱和离子化电流 | saturation isotherm 饱和等温线

Nodulation genes:结瘤基因

文章摘要:根瘤菌中存在一系列控制固氮结瘤因子(lipo-chito-oligosaccharides)合成的结瘤基因(nodulation genes). 其中,nodA基因是合成结瘤因子所必需的,该基因负责酰基转移酶的合成,能将不饱和脂肪酸转移到结瘤因子寡聚糖骨架上;基因nodZ,

saturation current method:饱和电流法

saturation current 饱和电流 | saturation current method 饱和电流法 | saturation factor 饱和因子


而酸碱度pH值显示酸性尿易形成尿酸结石(pH7.0);尿液经过冷冻或久置,会变成偏碱性,而且产生大量结晶,crystalluria是结石的重要危险因子(risk factor), 因为超饱和(supersaturation)是结石生成的重要机转,

lipotropic factor:抗脂肝因子

焦磷酸脂噻胺 lipothiamine pyrophosphate | 抗脂肝因子 lipotropic factor | 不饱和脂肪酸氧化酶 lipoxidase

pre-expansion track:膨胀前的径迹

pre-expansion saturation ==> 膨胀前的饱和 | pre-expansion track ==> 膨胀前的径迹 | pre-exponential factor ==> 指数前的因子