英语人>词典>汉英 : 饱和器 的英文翻译,例句
饱和器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
saturator  ·  saturex

更多网络例句与饱和器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is found that, with the increasing in the packed saturator's working pressure, the outlet air can be easier saturated, but the absolute humidity of the outlet air decreases.


And in the heat and mass transfer process, the mass will be transferred from the water film to the air all the time, while the heat transfer direction is likely to be changed.


Secondly, in the experiment, the characteristic of flux and spray cone of the nozzle is measured and analyzed. Two different kinds of packing, metal and plastic, is applied to evaluate the performance of the saturator. After comparison between the two, it can conclude that metal packing is better than plastic packing in all aspects, and more suitable for high pressure and temperature conditions.


So far, a little research job has been done focused on saturator, most of which are without packing.


The physical model describes the mass and heat transfer process in the saturator.


As a key component in HAT cycle, saturator has important impact on the holistic performance of HAT cycle. So it has the necessity to do further study on saturator characteristics.


The simulation job of saturator is performed based on the founded model, in which the difference between Lewis factor and Lewis number and also the impact of the Lewis factor value on simulation results is discussed in details.


The technology and cost between spray-type saturator process and bubble-umbrella-type saturator process are compared, advantages of spray-type saturator process are summarized, and a proposal for increasing volume of crystallization tank is put forward.


In experimental respect, a set of fundamental framework to investigate the performance of the saturator has been designed, including the transparent saturator cylinder, the pressured air system, the distilled pressured water spray system, the precise measurement system of transient temperature and humidity variation. All the measurements are recorded using a computer-aided Data. Acquisition System .


This paper can provide a mathematical model for saturators design, which is very important in designing configurations.


更多网络解释与饱和器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在信号到达滤波器之前首先会通过两个效果器,饱和器(saturation)和quantization,以及low-shelf 和high-self滤波器. ...饱和器(Saturator) 能够使干气变为饱和湿气的装置. 注:温度在0℃以上时称为水饱和器,在0℃以下时称为冰饱和器.


半干式洗涤器 Semi-dry Scrubber ??? ??? | 饱和剂,饱和器,浸渍器 saturator ??? | 残余应力,剩余应力 residual stress ????

ammonia saturator:氨饱和器

ammoniameter 氨量计,氨深度计 | ammonia saturator 氨饱和器 | ammonium 铵

air saturator:空气饱和器

air sampler 空气取样器 | air saturator 空气饱和器 | air screwdriver 风动螺丝刀

sulfate saturator:硫酸盐饱和器

sulfate paper 牛皮纸 | sulfate saturator 硫酸盐饱和器 | sulfate 硫酸盐

wet saturator:湿饱和器

wet salted raw horse hide 盐湿生马皮 | wet saturator 湿饱和器 | wet scrubber 湿式洗涤器


carbonatization碳酸饱充作用 | carbonator碳酸化器;碳酸化装置;碳酸饱和器 | carbonicacid碳酸


desaturation exponent 减饱和度指数 | desaturation 减饱和 | desaturator 去饱和器

live stellarator:活星温磁缩熔合器

活蒸气饱和器 live steam saturator | 活星温磁缩熔合器 live stellarator | 活动时间 live time

live steam saturator:活蒸气饱和器

活蒸气 live steam | 活蒸气饱和器 live steam saturator | 活星温磁缩熔合器 live stellarator