英语人>词典>汉英 : 饱和 的英文翻译,例句
饱和 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与饱和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method involves exposing the cells to a compound having the formula I in which: w is a nucleic acid x is a non-amino acid or non-peptide nucleic acid binding group y is a spacer having a chain length equivalent to 1-30 carbon-carbon single covalent bonds or is absent R4 is H or halogen or CH2O-R3; and R1, R2 and R3 are the same or different and are either hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxylated alkyl, hydroxylated alkenyl groups or ether containing alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxylated alkyl or hydroxylated alkenyl groups optionally being an acyl group having a carbon chain length equivalent to 3-24 carbon atoms saturated or unsaturated, with the proviso that at least one of R1, R2 or R3 includes a group having a carbon chain of 3-24 carbon atoms saturated or unsaturated, or to a compound having the formula II in which: w is a nucleic acid x is a non-amino acid or non-peptide nucleic acid binding group y is a space having a chain length equivalent to 1-30 carbon-carbon single covalent bonds or is absent, R5 is alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxylated alkyl, hydroxylated alkenyl group or ether containing alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxylated alkyl or hydroxylated alkenyl group optionally being an acyl group having a carbon chain length equivalent to 3-24 carbon atoms saturated or unsaturated, with the proviso that R5 includes a group having a carbon chain of 3-24 carbon atoms saturated or unsaturated.


A set of governing dynamic equations with different basic unknowns and with different hypotheses is presented. Thereafter, the 3-D non-axisymmetric governing dynamic equation is solved by means of Fourier expanding and Hankel integral transform method.


Then, the differential equations are solved by the Fourier expanding and Hankel integral transform method. Integral solutions of soil skeleton displacements and pore pressure as well as the total stresses for poroelastic media are obtained. Furthermore, a systematic study on Lamb's problems in transversely isotropic saturated half-space is performed. Integral solutions for surface radial, vertical and tangentical displacements are obtained both in the case of drained surface and in the case of undrained surface excited by vertical and tangentical harmonic resources respectively. Numerical results show the obvious difference between the model of isotropic saturated poroelastic media and that of transversely isotropic saturated poroelastic media.


Finally, based on the fundamental solutions of Biots consolidation of transversely isotropic saturated multi-layered soils, the Fredholm integral equation of second kind for the interaction between transversely isotropic saturated multi-layered soils and rectangular piles is established, the relevant numerical analysis is also carried out.


In order to relieve urban traffic congestion and the supply-demand contradiction of oversaturated intersection group,based on the idea and method of system engineering,model oversaturated intersection group system which is composed of oversaturated intersection subsystem,through system function analyzing,identify the optimization object of system function,establish the optimization model of oversaturated intersection group,present solving strategy of the optimization model,achieve global optimization of oversaturated intersection group system.


The dissertation mainly consists of two parts:1. The Reaction Chemistry of Alkynes under Palladium Catalysis Part 1 studies the reaction α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds with alkenylpalladium intermediate generated by nucleopalladation, and discovered 1 the Pd-catalyzed tandem addition reaction of halides, alkynes and α,β-unsaturated carbonyls,2 the four-component tandem addition reaction of halides, alkynes and α,β-unsaturated carbonyls, 3 the tandem intramolecular oxypalladation-conjugate additionreaction of alkynoic acids with α,β-enals. These new reactions provide notonly efficient highly stereoselective methods for the synthesis of γ,δ-unsaturated,polyunsaturated carbonyl compounds and γ-lactonic aldehydes, but also thebasic transformations for a number of C-C bond formation reactions which can be usedto design synthesis of many acyclic, cyclic or polycyclic compounds.


In earlier studies, major classes of triacylglycerols were separated on the basis of unsaturation (i, e., trisaturated, disaturated, diunsaturated, and triunsaturated ) via fractional crystallization and oxidation-isolation methods.


The difference of bulk density of coastal soils took an effect on infiltration rate and diffuse rate. The infiltration rate and diffuse rate of coastal soils which bulk density was small were big. The water transmitting experiment of coastal soils showed that the saturated conductivity of different layers in soil profile were great, and the saturated conductivity of undisturbed soil was highly higher than that of disturbed soil. The saturated conductivity of coastal soils embanked earlier was lower than that of coastal soils embanked later. Under different water content, the unsaturated conductivity of coastal soils had a great change and the bulk density had an effect on unsaturated conductivity. The soil with a low bulk density had a high unsaturated conductivity. Chlorine ion moved in coastal soil was an inert ion. The distribution of CU in soil was definite and repeated, which is no relation with the time and velocity of infiltration. The concentration of infiltration solution and the texture of coastal soils had no apparent effect on solute movement synthetic dispersion coefficient, while bulk density took an apparent effect on solute movement synthetic dispersion coefficient. Synthetic dispersion coefficient of coastal soils increased as bulk density decreased.

浙江大学硕士毕业论文浙北海涂土壤水分特性及溶质运移模拟研究 4、海涂土壤的导水能力强,且土壤剖面备土层的饱和导水率变化大,原状土的饱和导水率远大于扰动土的饱和导水率,围垦时间较早的海涂土壤的饱和导水率较围垦时间晚的海涂土壤的饱和导水率要小;不同含水量下的非饱和导水率变化范围很大,最大值与最小值差距可达 10'③ 5、容重的不同对入渗率、扩散率、非饱和导水率都有影响,容重小,入渗率、扩散率、非饱和导水率也花 6、在海涂土壤中运移的氯离子是一&惰性离子&,氯离子在土壤运移过程中的分布有一定的确定性和重现性,与入渗时间和入渗速度无关,溶质运移过程中,入渗溶液的浓度和海涂土壤的质地对溶质运移综合扩散系数DSh无明显影响,而土壤容重对溶质运移综合扩散系数DSh有影响,容重小,DSh大。

This paper mainly described the pertinent knowledge about the generalization of gas supersaturation, the reasons and factors for gas supersaturation. Furthermore, the relations among life stage, hydrostatic pressure, temperature, intermittent exposure, detection, avoidance and the tolerance of fish to supersaturation were analyzed, AndKey words: dam; dissolved gas supersaturation; gas buhhle disease


Result 5 compounds in Hickory nut oil were identified, and they were linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid, and their contents were 63.48%, 19.90%, 11.96%, 3.31% and 1.35% resp. The fatty acid ratio of n-6 to n-3 was 5.31, which was close to that of recommended by China (4-5):1. The ratio of saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acidand polyunsaturated fatty acids in Hickory nut oil was 1:4.3:16, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was slightly higher, but it mainly contained linoleic acid and a-linoleic acid, which were inevitable fatty acid to human body.

结果]共鉴定出山核桃仁油中的5中化合物,即亚油酸、油酸、亚麻酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸,其含量分别为63.48%、19.90%、11.96%、3.31%和1.35%;山核桃仁油中n-6: n-3脂肪酸比例为5.31,与我国推荐的n-6:n-3脂肪酸比例(4~5):1非常接近;山核桃仁油中饱和脂肪酸:单不饱和脂肪酸:多不饱和脂肪酸为1:4.3:16,多不饱和脂肪酸含量偏高,但多不饱和脂肪酸主要包括亚油酸和a-亚麻酸,均为人体必须脂肪酸。

更多网络解释与饱和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saturation magnetization:饱和磁化[强度],磁饱和

"saturation magnetic induction ","饱和磁感应,饱和磁密" | "saturation magnetization ","饱和磁化[强度],磁饱和" | "saturation noise ","饱和噪声"


saturable /可饱和/可浸透/ | saturant /使饱和的/饱和剂/ | saturate /浸透饱和/渍/

Saturate condition:饱和条件、饱和状态

Saturate 饱和 R5QW4i9 | Saturate condition 饱和条件、饱和状态 <<S4l~"o | Saturated steam SAT STM 饱和蒸汽 )MI

Saturate condition:饱和条件,饱和状态

Saturate 饱和 | Saturate condition 饱和条件,饱和状态 | Saturated steam SAT STM 饱和蒸汽

saturated vapour pressure:饱和汽压,饱和蒸汽压力

saturated vapour饱和蒸汽 | saturated vapour pressure饱和汽压,饱和蒸汽压力 | saturated voltage饱和电压



saturated steam:饱和蒸汽;饱和水汽

saturated steam 饱和蒸汽 | saturated steam 饱和蒸汽;饱和水汽 | saturated vapor 饱和蒸汽

saturation deficit:饱和差

HW1-24 饱和差:(saturation deficit) 饱和差是指在某一温度下饱和水汽压与当时空气中实际水汽压之差. 饱和差愈大,表示空气愈干燥,否则反之. HW1-25 露点:(dew point) 在空气中水汽含量不变,且气压一定时,因气温下降,使空气达到饱和时的温度称为露点温度,


油脂的主要脂肪酸(Fatty Acids) 依结构不同,可分为饱和(Saturated)与不饱和(Unsaturated)两种. 而不饱和脂肪酸又依其不饱和双键(Double Bond)的数目不同,而分为单元不饱和与多元不饱和脂肪酸. 不饱和脂肪酸可以依双键的几何型态,

undersaturation:不饱和 欠饱和 欠饱和现象

undersaturated /不饱和的/ | undersaturation /不饱和/欠饱和/欠饱和现象/ | underscan /欠扫描/