英语人>词典>汉英 : 饭票 的英文翻译,例句
饭票 的英文翻译、例句


meal ticket · food coupon · mess card · bread ticket
更多网络例句与饭票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The father is clay-cold, she discovers that father is a confirmed gambler unexpectedly, the in home is already a text does not remain, the creditor still seeks to come continuously, although the father's company business condition still on the whole good, the company shareholder spot they will not manage finance, cheated to walk their little bit and only property;At this time the cancer once more again encroaches upon the her body, the mother and younger sisters are unexpectedly to leave her but go to the ……… in a crash in every possible way hesitant medium, she is in " seek one more permanent job" and" the oneself stand up" these two voices win election to choose to listen to the latter, starting her freshman live from the temporary salesman of the stock certificate company, at this time, she is already 40 years old!


I mean, they're our meal ticket.


This is the best This is our meal ticket.


Are you looking for a mate or a meal ticket?


Her doctor boyfriend is her meal ticket.


Year after year my single girlfriends were my salvation, and as it turns out my meal ticket.


She's not my meal ticket, Dad.


She ia a selfish woman who looks upon her husband only as a meal ticket.


Now, you must go into reverse, and persevere to establish healthy foods, as your meal ticket to natural health.


Rui is so picky in the problem of marriage perhaps because he is often considered as meal ticket by ladies .


更多网络解释与饭票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


填不胜填,尤令人发昏. 我们在莫斯科停留,一日三餐皆凭票吃饭. 早餐饭票总值是十卢布;中餐他们叫"正餐"(dinner)总值二十二卢布;晚餐十八卢布. 客人如果吃过了饭票总值,则需另外自己出钱.

meal ticket:饭票;餐房

meal charge 饭餐费 | meal ticket 饭票;餐房 | meal time 进餐时间

meal ticket:饭票, 餐券

胡桃walnut | 饭票, 餐券 meal ticket | 涮羊肉thin slices of mutton for boiling in a hot pot

a meal ticket:<俚>提供生活来源的人,赖以为生的工作(或工具、技能等)餐券,饭票

18 meet your match 遇到对手,棋逢对手 | 19 as a matter of course 当然,理所当然的(事) | 20 a meal ticket,提供生活来源的人,赖以为生的工作(或工具、技能等)餐券,饭票

She's your meal ticket:她明明就是你的饭票

is one of the most respected editors in town.|可是全市最棒的编辑 | She's your meal ticket,|她明明就是你的饭票 | and you brought her home to meet your mother.|而你居然带回来见家长

I mean, they're our meal ticket:我是说,他们是我们的饭票啊

Rick's stupid company is stealing...|瑞克那该死的公司偷走了 | I mean, they're our meal ticket.|我是说,他们是我们的饭票啊 | Come on. - Oh, Tiff.|算了、哦,蒂芙

Meal time:进餐时间

meal ticket 饭票;餐房 | meal time 进餐时间 | mealie 玉米(穗);玉蜀黍(穗)

die Mensa:学生饭堂,食堂

die Mensa 学生饭堂,食堂 | die Essenmarke 饭票,饭卡 | sich besorgen 弄到,得到,搞到

firm and still stare....seems always think about sth. P.S. extremely good temper:饭票

博士: A guy who leads a VERY careful life. | 饭票: firm and still stare....seems always think about sth. P.S. extremely good temper | 应龙: Still young and impetuous but very handsome.

bread line:待分救济队伍

bread buttered on both sides 好的境遇 | bread line 待分救济队伍 | bread ticket 饭票