英语人>词典>汉英 : 餐服 的英文翻译,例句
餐服 的英文翻译、例句


dinner clothes
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Many a one,for the sake of finery on the back,has gone with a hungry belly,and half-starved their famies.


Methods Pregnant rats were gavaged castor oil-diet in 18 and 19 days of gestation. At the time of death, blood of portal and peripheral veins, intestinal mucosa, amnion, amniotic cells and placenta were collected, and the tissues were cultured in the presences of ricinoleic acid or indomethacin.


更多网络解释与餐服相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dinking machine 平压切断机 | Dinmont 丹梦特牌手表 | dinner clothes 餐服

dinner clothes:餐服

Dinmont 丹梦特牌手表 | dinner clothes 餐服 | dinner coat 小礼服

dinner coat:小礼服

dinner clothes 餐服 | dinner coat 小礼服 | dinner jacket 小礼服

dinner dress:半正式妇女餐服

半圆形靠背安乐椅/tub chair | 半正式妇女餐服/dinner dress | 半醉/be half cut


抗酸药(antacids)是一类弱碱性物质. 口服后能降低胃内容物酸度,从而解除胃酸对胃、十二指肠粘膜的侵蚀和对溃疡面的刺激,并降低胃蛋白酶活性,发挥缓解疼痛和促进愈合的作用. 餐后服药可延长药物作用时间. 合理用药应在餐后1、3小时及临睡前各服一次,

Waiters, Waitresses and Related Workers:餐飲服務人員

5123 酒及飲料調製員 Wine and Drink Bartenders | 5124 餐飲服務人員 Waiters, Waitresses and Related Workers | 513 個人照顧及有關工作人員 Personal Care and Related Workers


最好是每天摄取不含铅的仔牛骨粉(bonemeal)的片剂5片(和食物同服)、多种消化(消化食品)酶3次. 不要一边进餐一边喝水、汤、饮料等流质,而在餐前或餐后才饮用,这样就可以减轻您的痛苦. 含有巴比妥酸盐(barbiturates)的药剂,

tub chair:半圆形靠背安乐椅

半文盲/functional illiterate | 半圆形靠背安乐椅/tub chair | 半正式妇女餐服/dinner dress

Housekeepers and Related Workers:家事及有關服務管理員

512 家事及餐飲服務工作人員 Housekeeping and Restaurant Services Workers | 5121 家事及有關服務管理員 Housekeepers and Related Workers | 5122 廚師 Cooks

In-Flight Service:機上餐點服務

3-1. 起飛後 After Takeoff | 3-2. 機上餐點服務 In-Flight Service | 3-3. 免稅購物 Duty-Free Shopping