英语人>词典>汉英 : 食言 的英文翻译,例句
食言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
renege  ·  welsh  ·  renegue  ·  reneged  ·  reneges  ·  reneging  ·  welched  ·  welches  ·  welching  ·  welshed  ·  welshes  ·  welshing

back down · back out · break one's word · go back upon · go back on one's word · fink-out · went back on one's word
更多网络例句与食言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the last minute he backed out and refused to go with me.


I had better not pass my word: I might be obliged to break it.


But he wanted to blackmail himself, because he was someone who never went back on his word.


Remember to observe the inviting of 5 years of ours , is forbidden to break one's promise!


However Zhou Hong 祎" break one's promise ", home killed poisonous market to be entered from this " labor pains period ".


Apparent, emerge on this body moving " wolf horse blood " Hong Kong boy cannot let him " 3 100 million theory " break one's promise, await him will be the battalion of on 100 million accepts a target, and the more long-term dream that surmounts YouTube.


Break one's promise.


You can trust him. He is a man who never breaks his word .


He is a man who never breaks his words.


The witness stands unsworn; unsworn testimony.


更多网络解释与食言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go back on:丢弃(朋友等);食言

go around (消息)流传;足够分配 | go back on 丢弃(朋友等);食言 | go back on 违背,毁(约)

back out of:食言,背信

6. hold on to抓住,握住 | 7. back out of食言,背信 | 8. broke away from突然逃跑(离开)

Back out of something:食言、不認賬

You can do better than that. 我對你的表現不太滿意 | Take it easy. 再見、珍重;放輕鬆點 | Back out of something. 食言、不認賬

back out:食言

back on one's feet 经受打击后重新站起来 | back out 食言 | backseat driver 指手划脚的人

back out:食言,打退堂鼓

63. on cloud nine 无比幸福,欣喜若狂 | 64. back out 食言,打退堂鼓 | 65. grin and bear it 逆来顺受

blatantly break promises:公然地食言

谴责示威者的暴力行为 blaming violence on the protesters | 公然地食言 blatantly break promises | 牙龈出血 bleeding gums

break one's promise:食言,收回承诺

exercise one's rights行使权 利 | 8.break one's promise 食言, 收回承诺. | keep one's promise遵守诺言.

break one's promise/words:破坏某人的诺言、食言

break off 折断、中断、罢工 | break one's promise/words 破坏某人的诺言、食言 | break out 分裂、爆发

break one's promise/words:食言

break into pieces碎成碎片 | break one's promise/words食言 | break out 爆发

go back upon:违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言

go back from 违背(诺言), 背弃 食言 | go back upon 违背(诺言), 背弃 食言 | go before 走在前面 居先