英语人>词典>汉英 : 食肉鸟 的英文翻译,例句
食肉鸟 的英文翻译、例句


bird of prey
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Acuteness of sight is difficult to define but if we were endowed with the eyesight of a kestrel it is estimated that we could read a newspaper at a range of 25 yards.


Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic era.


Large carnivorous Australian bird with the shrike-like habit of impaling prey on thorns.


Where island rookeries were once protected, coyotes and other predators now have access to nesting sites and young birds.


I have not missed any rib…She is in much trouble about the buzzard; says grass does not agree with it ;is afraid she can't raise it; thinks it was intended to live on decayed flesh.


Harpies are best known as the loathsome predatory monsters of Greek legend, with the faces of women and the bodies of vultures.


Large long-legged African bird of prey that feeds on reptiles.


In the natural Cerrado, I saw toucans and macaws, puma tracks and a carnivorous flower that lures flies by smelling like manure.


更多网络解释与食肉鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"始祖鸟"(Archaeopteryx)是最早的鸟,是处在两大类别动物的过渡阶段的一个非常好的演化实例. 所研究的"始祖鸟"化石标本实际上是一种小型食肉兽脚恐龙的骨架,上面有现代飞行羽毛衍生物. 对伦敦的"始祖鸟"标本所做的一项新的研究工作,

bird of peace:鸽子

bird of passage 候鸟 | bird of peace 鸽子 | bird of prey 食肉鸟

bird of peace:和平鸽

bird of passage 候鸟; 漂泊不定的人 | bird of peace 和平鸽 | bird of prey 食肉鸟; 猛禽

bird of prey:食肉鸟

波音公司和美国空军在圣路易斯工厂总部,向外界正式公开展示了一种称为"食肉鸟"(Bird of Prey)的单座亚音隐身技术速验证机. 作为一个高度机密的项目计划,由"鬼怪工厂"全面负责设计、制造和试飞的"食肉鸟"验证机,在长达10年时间里一直鲜为人知.

bird of wonder:凤凰

bird of prey 食肉鸟 | bird of wonder 凤凰 | bird shot 猎鸟用子弹


忒弥斯的刻律涅(Ceryneian)牝鹿活捉厄律曼托斯山(Mount Erymanthos)上的野猪清洗奥吉亚斯(Augeas)的牛厩杀死斯提姆法洛斯湖(Lake Stymphalus)怪鸟制服狄俄墨德斯(Diomedes)的食肉马牵回巨人格律翁(Geryon)的牛群摘取赫斯珀里

Beer stein:啤酒杯[容量约为一品脱]

Screw 螺丝钉 | Beer stein 啤酒杯[容量约为一品脱] | Bird of prey 食肉鸟, 猛禽


然而,进化论者当成这些鸟的祖先的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙(theropod)的牙齿,却像锯一样的突出,而且牙根狭窄 ...兽脚亚目(Theropod) 一群蜥蜴状髋部的恐龙. 兽脚亚目属於龙盘目,当中全都是肉食性的两足动物,包括从体型小的虚形龙,


鞘嘴鸥科(Chionididae)鞘嘴鸥属(Chionis)两种海滨鸟类的统称. 该科是仅分布于南极地区的唯一鸟科. 因嘴基周围的粗糙角质鞘遮盖著鼻孔而得名. 是富进攻性的食肉鸟,以企鹅、燕鸥、海燕的幼雏和卵为食,此外还拾取海豹的胎衣、粪便以及捕鲸站周围的残渣为食.

n Hornbills:犀鸟

n Eland-非洲大羚羊 | n Hornbills-犀鸟 | n Raptor-食肉鸟