英语人>词典>汉英 : 食品营养价值 的英文翻译,例句
食品营养价值 的英文翻译、例句


food value
更多网络例句与食品营养价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 21st century balsam pear food development the reason that becomes food research and development domain the new luminescent spot, is not only because the balsam pear has the rich nutritional value, moreover has the very high for medicinal purposes value.


Milk is a high nutritional value of food, it contains almost all of the human body needed nutrients.


The value of milk as a food is obvious from the fact that it constitutes the natural food of all young mammalia during the period of their most rapid growth.


Nutritional value and processing quality of soybean can be improved by means of development of newvariety with null Trypsin inhibitor.


Qingdao is the only one for four consecutive years through the state seized the food business, and the city of Qingdao in the same industry in the first IS9002 through the international quality system certification, the company has been in strict accordance with international Passage of the HACCP standard production and processing, the company Boni Ya its meat suppliers of raw materials, first-class health conditions, the unique flavor of the product, the level of international modern processing equipment, high-quality product quality, rich in nutritional value and improve after-sales services , The well-known Castle, the crown of Shandong, the Chinese reputation.


In the plant albumen, the content of Glutaminic acid, Branched-chain amino ac i d in cerial protein is abundant. Glutaminic acid has great effect on nervous system. Branched-chain amino acids have the function of saving protein,and have impact on immune system,etc.


Using mulberry and honey as materials and adopting microbiologic fermentation technique to produce wine can combine the two materials' nutritive value and healthy function, accord with "green food" as well as "functional food "consumption trend, enrich the species of wine market and has important theoretical and practical values.


It also have brief introduction of the threpsology ABC, the nutritive value of different food, the change of nutritional ingredient in different food by orthodox cooking method, and the compare of microwave cooking and orthodox cooking.


Less-processed foods are generally more satiating than their highly processed counterparts.


In this section we discuss some of these points which include: fertilisers, milling, blanching, canning, freezing, pasteurisation, de-hydrating, preparation of vegetables, losing nutrients through cooking, the benefits of cooking food, making food tastier, preserving the nutrient value of vegetables, food irradiation, GM foods, and much more.


更多网络解释与食品营养价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saturated fatty acid:饱和脂肪酸

关于食品中的营养价值,除了碳水化合物(carbohydrate)的含量和天然维他命(vitamin)C的含量以外,对于脂肪也作出了规定,其中包括:饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid),纤维素(cellulose),纳(sodium)和蛋清(albumens)等的含量.

food stamp:食品券

29岁的格雷格.道森是美国俄亥俄州的一名电工,金融危机中他幸运地保住了工作,但收入的缩水使他的生活水准一落千丈. 从2009年下半年开始,他每月从联邦政府的"补充营养援助计划"(SNAP)免费领取价值300美元的"食品券"(food stamp),为自己、妻子和5个孩子"补充营养".

Nutritive value of food:食品的营养价值

非高峰时间通勤 Off-peak commuting | 食品的营养价值 Nutritive value of food | 一般情况下免费 Normally without charge


美国保健月刊>把韩国泡菜(Kimchi)列为世界五大健康食品之一,不但美味可口,而且营养价值丰富. 经常吃肉的大韩民族每年每人平均吃掉18公斤泡菜,地位仅次于米饭,借此平衡饮食,具养生保健及抗老功效.

Soybean milk:豆奶

豆浆(豆奶)是生活不可缺少营养食品,豆浆极具营养价值,豆奶(Soybean Milk)是将大豆用水泡后磨碎、过滤、煮沸加奶质而成. 豆浆营养非常丰富,且易于消化吸收. 豆浆是防治高血脂、高血压、动肪硬化、缺铁性贫血、气喘等疾病的理想食品. 我们将为您推荐使用打豆浆机中的大型豆浆机优势为:

Off-peak commuting:非高峰时间通勤

非高峰时间工作 Off-peak working | 非高峰时间通勤 Off-peak commuting | 食品的营养价值 Nutritive value of food

potato chips:土豆片

(如果你吃得差,长得就不好看) junk n.垃圾;破烂,在些指junk food "垃圾食物;廉价的食品",指营养价值低,但热量高的食品,如土豆片(potato chips)等 下面几句话,也可挂在嘴巴上,天天说: Some age gracefully.(有些人变老,

processed foods:加工食品

E增加绿色超级食物(Superfoods)浓缩来增加营养价值E富含有机草本成分(Organic Herbs)及绿色植物(Greenfoods)在今天世界上充满了加工食品(processed foods)和快节奏的生活步调(fast-paced lifestyles)中,

Chinese yam:山药

山药(Chinese yam)具有较高的药用价值及营养价值,主要食用器官为地下块茎,为大众化的滋补食品,通过组织培养技术不仅可进行快速繁殖,而且能使优良品种种性得以保存延续[1,2].

Vaccinium L:越桔属

越桔为杜鹃花科越桔属(Vaccinium L)植物,灌木,广泛分布于北半球,从北极到热带高山地区. 全世界有450种,我国有91种,24变种,2亚种,其中不少品种结小形浆果,可供食用,具有极高的营养价值和很高的医疗价值. 周此,越桔果实是典型的食品和医药工业的绿色原料.