英语人>词典>汉英 : 食品券 的英文翻译,例句
食品券 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与食品券相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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There are lots of people who are using food stamps for the first time, because they don't have any other options,' said Mark Mather, a demographer at the Population Reference Bureau, a nonprofit research group in Washington.


A food stamp is a voucher that can be used only for the purchase of food .


In the Feeding America survey of households, one third of food stamp recipients said their benefits only lasted for two weeks or less.


Food stamp programs may not solve many people's fi-nancial difficulties ;they only scratch the surface.


Sixty percent also cite fuel costs, and 52 percent listed the inadequacy of state food stamp programs as a cause.


Food stamp 例句 Among those programs are food stamps and other nutrition programs, health insurance, unemployment insurance and job training programs.


"The nutrition community needs to look ahead and analyze what we can do to best serve Food Stamp and WIC participants and how these programs can play an integral role in preventing obesity," says Kennedy.


The initiative had been brought to me by our ambassador to the UN food programs in Rome, George McGovern; McGovern's old partner in pioneering food stamps, Bob Dole; and Congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts.


The key role of Iowa in the presidential electoral process is a further barrier to the abolition of farm subsidies, and the final factor is the alliance of urban with farm interests in support of the food-stamp program, itself inferior to a negative income tax, which would give the poor money but allow them to make their own consumption choices.


更多网络解释与食品券相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

food stamp:食品券

29岁的格雷格.道森是美国俄亥俄州的一名电工,金融危机中他幸运地保住了工作,但收入的缩水使他的生活水准一落千丈. 从2009年下半年开始,他每月从联邦政府的"补充营养援助计划"(SNAP)免费领取价值300美元的"食品券"(food stamp),为自己、妻子和5个孩子"补充营养".

Food Stamp Program:粮食券项目

food processing industry食品加工业 | Food Stamp Program粮食券项目 | foothold立足点

food spoilage:食品腐败变质

Food toxicology 食品毒理学 | food spoilage 食品腐败变质 | food stamp 食品券

Food Stamps:食品救济券

不过,双方一直对谈判细节守口如瓶,淡化双方在一揽子经济刺激方案方面存在的观念分歧. 布什政府希望为消费者提供退税,为企业提供税项减免,而民主党人已将增加失业福利和增加食品救济券(food stamps)支出加入到他们的方案中.

tax stamp:印花税

food stamp 食品券 | tax stamp 印花税 | stamp on the document 在文件上盖章

