英语人>词典>汉英 : 飞跑 的英文翻译,例句
飞跑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
drive  ·  hare  ·  spank  ·  streak  ·  drives  ·  hared  ·  hares  ·  haring  ·  spanked  ·  spanks  ·  streaks  ·  dask

run like the wind · fly off
更多网络例句与飞跑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simon was after him at a sprint, but was barely through the doorjamb when he felt himself grappled around the waist by a pair of bearlike arms.


"We were running really fast to get out of there," Olivier Dubos said on CNN.


He dashed to smash the fash ionable ashtray with cash.


Qantaqa, thinking herself summoned, came galloping back to dan in circles around the pair, until they had to halt to avoid tripping over the frisking wolf.


Then all is said, the tempest is loosed, stones rain down, a fusillade breaks forth, many precipitate themselves to the bottom of the bank, and pass the small arm of the Seine, now filled in, the timber-yards of the Isle Louviers, that vast citadel ready to hand, bristle with combatants, stakes are torn up, pistol-shots fired, a barricade begun, the young men who are thrust back pass the Austerlitz bridge with the hearse at a run, and the municipal guard, the carabineers rush up, the dragoons ply their swords, the crowd disperses in all directions, a rumor of war flies to all four quarters of Paris, men shout:"To arms!"


The intangible, throttling grip was gone; Simon's eyes popped open in time to see a sleek gray shape skitter past, leap over Pryrates' boots and streak to the hatchway, where it bounded down into darkness.


The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.

2:4 车辆在街上急行,在宽阔处奔来奔去,形状如火把,飞跑如闪电。

An infectious viral disease of sheep that is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus and affects the nervous system, causing galloping and trotting by little leaps and often prolonged trembling. Also called louping ill

震颤病:一种在绵羊身上发作的病毒性传染病,由虫螨传播并能影响神经系统,绵羊得病后会小步飞跑和疾走,经常伴有长时间的颤抖也作 louping ill

If a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it is heated by friction and appears as a glowing streak of light called a meteor.

如果一个流星体进入地球的大气层,它因为摩擦而受热,并且表现为炽热飞跑的光,被称为流星(meteor或者 shooting star)。

When they reached the place where they had killed Hector's scout, Ulysses stayed his horses, and the son of Tydeus, leaping to the ground, placed the blood-stained spoils in the hands of Ulysses and remounted: then he lashed the horses onwards, and they flew forward nothing loth towards the ships as though of their own free will.


更多网络解释与飞跑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这时他又听见老太婆逗(amuse)哄那小孩说:"好宝宝,如果有狼来,我就杀了他. "狼听了这话后,一边飞跑一边说:"这老太婆怎么说一套,做一套. "


9. galloping:飞跑的 | 10.depiction:描绘,描写 | 11.sketch:速写,素描


小敏在诗歌里说"圣灵在我的心我多想跳跃,圣灵在我的心?我多想飞跑. "就是一种圣灵的"充满"(filled )既然被圣灵充满可以"说起别国的话语来",难道圣灵充满时不可以有喜乐的"跳跃"和"奔跑"的表达吗?


fleetarmada 舰队 | fleetingly 飞跑地 | fleetinglymomentlytransitorily 短暂地


8. marsh:沼泽,湿地 | 9. galloping:飞跑的 | 10.depiction:描绘,描写

Porsche Cayenne:保时捷

但如今,坐在路虎(Range Rover)、宝马X5和保时捷(Porsche Cayenne)幽暗车窗后面的男子却在基层实际统治这个国家. 如同在其他地方,中国的腐败官员喜欢过好日子. 阿玛尼(Armani)外套、劳力士手表、范思哲(Versace)墨镜经常装点着那些在花岗岩装修的房子和华丽饭店之间飞跑的SUV司机们.

projecting lever:引长杆

bracket table 托架工作台 | projecting lever 引长杆 | go like a streak [美俚]飞跑

spank v.n.1:拍(屁股);鞭策,催打 2.飞跑

spangle n.小而亮的东西;小装饰片 v.闪烁 | spank v.n.1.拍(屁股);鞭策,催打 2.飞跑 | spark n.1.火花 2.生机,活力 v.引发;激励

I squeeze in the bus as it fast run:我挤在公交车随着它飞跑

So many women wearing so few 那么多的女人穿的那么少 | I squeeze in the bus as it fast run 我挤在公交车随着它飞跑 | This hot air into my brain 这闷热空气冲进我的大脑


streak 飞跑 | streaked 有条斑纹的 | streakily 有条纹地