英语人>词典>汉英 : 飞蚊症 的英文翻译,例句
飞蚊症 的英文翻译、例句


muscae volitantes
更多网络例句与飞蚊症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I got a floater a month ago, it did not dissolve, and then I got an even bigger one about 4 days ago.


If a floater appears all of a sudden, or there is a rapid increase in the number of floaters, you should see your optometrist straightaway.


In some cases, floaters can be caused by eye disease or injury that causes inflammation inside the eye.


Floaters look as though they are in front of your eye, but they are in fact shadows from tissue particles in the back of the eye.


You've had floaters or flashes in one eye for some time, and now they are also affecting the other eye.


You can't prevent floaters, but it's important to be aware of the signs of retinal detachment so that you can seek treatment early on and protect your sight.


However, its important to go for regular sight tests and tell your optometrist if you think you may have floaters.

不过, it 的重要去,以便进行定期测试的视线,并告诉您的视光师如果你认为你可能有飞蚊症

The brain learns to ignore most floaters and after a while you may not notice them.


There is no specific treatment for floaters eye drops and other medication do not make floaters go away.


Ocular asteroids must be distinguished from the more common typical vitreous floaters, which are usually fibrillar or cellular condensates.


更多网络解释与飞蚊症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

retinal detachment:网膜剥

治与处 药物治 射光凝固术 手术治:玻璃体除术; 眼内射光凝固术; 合并或无气体视网膜固定术 视网膜剥 (Retinal Detachment) 1. 诊断要件 视模糊,如幕般之视觉, 飞蚊症 眼底:视网膜起 2.



no redness:没有发红

not painful,没有痛苦, | no redness,没有发红, | floaters (dots that move across the field of vision), and飞蚊症( DOTS的这一举动在整个视野) ,以及

Muscae volitantes:飞蚊症

飞蚊症(muscae volitantes)是指中老年或近视眼病人感觉眼前有飘动的小黑影,尤其看白色或明亮的背景时症状更明显,有时病人还可能有闪光感. 本症包括生理性飞蚊症和病理性飞蚊症. 生理性飞纹症多无临床意义,

Muscae volitantes:飞蚊症曾用名"飞蝇幻视

Haidinger brush 海丁格内视刷 | muscae volitantes 飞蚊症曾用名"飞蝇幻视". | chromatopsia 色视症

muscae volitante:飞蚊症曾用名"飞蝇幻视

Haidinger brush 海丁格内视刷 | muscae volitante 飞蚊症曾用名"飞蝇幻视". | chromato ia 色视症