英语人>词典>汉英 : 飘动 的英文翻译,例句
飘动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fan  ·  fans  ·  flap  ·  float  ·  wave  ·  waving  ·  fanned  ·  flapped  ·  floated  ·  waves

更多网络例句与飘动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Presently, people have done some research on dynamic objects visualization using techniques such as simulation and visualization in scientific computing, but there are not many researches on integrating dynamic objects such as running cars, aflutter flags, flying butterflies into 3D GIS.


He got to his feet and strode past the class, his black robes billowing behind him.


On the left and right side of the painting, Xu cleverly drew in blacking and to show the moving hair on the horse's mane and tail.


He could be rude on the pier, gawking at What the Butler Saw or buying saucy postcards in which breasts were confused with blancmange; he could buy chips, candy floss and silly trinkets he would never want at home; he could cram on silly hats, and the girls could wear skirts that whipped well above their knees in the wind.


In this paper,based on the fully consideration of the physical characteristics of wind and snow,a three-dimensional wind field is constructed by discretizing the classic Boltzmann equation.

在充分考虑风雪具体物理特性的基础上,通过对经典Boltzmann 方程进行离散来构造三维风场,并根据风雪的交互作用规律,建立起雪的飘动、沉积、侵蚀等变化规则,进一步采用一系列简化和加速绘制的方法,具有真实感地实时绘制出不同风速下不同降雪量的风雪场景。

As a final effect to the scene, you'll add a stream of particles that will be emitted as the cannonball emerges.


To move lightly or capriciously; flicker, as a shadow, lightning, or leaves in the wind.


Dark-eyed Pryrates walked at his side in flapping red robe, a comradely scarlet bat.


Other detail is also nicely done, with particular attention paid to the cords on the shako , which are flying around on those figures moving quickly, and in one case tucked around the plume to keep them out of the way - a common habit.


Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow-moving waters, while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift-flowing streams.


更多网络解释与飘动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(44)Dkill time: 消磨时间 | (46)Aflutter: 无规则地动,飘动 | (53)Bsteer: 驾驶,把谈话等引向...方面

drifting brume:飘动的雾

已进入冬眠 be sunk in the brumal sleep | 飘动的雾 drifting brume | 进攻的矛头 the brunt of the attack

The curtain flapped eerily in the breeze:窗帘在微风中诡秘地飘动

Phoebe smiled enigmatically at the horse.菲比神秘地朝马笑了笑... | The curtain flapped eerily in the breeze. 窗帘在微风中诡秘地飘动. | The Greek schooner ran aground off Spain. 希腊纵帆船在西班牙搁浅了...

flown away:随风飘动

057 FIGLIO PERDUTO 失去的孩子 | 058 FLOWN AWAY 随风飘动 | 059 GATE AND GATE 相对的城门

fluttering implication:飘动的物语

11.bay of heart 心灵港湾 | 12.fluttering implication 飘动的物语 | 13.quiet state of mind 纯洁的心境

Fluttering Flag:(飘动的旗)

8.Cut Glass(裁切玻璃) 199 | 9.Fluttering Flag(飘动的旗) 200 | 10.Gradient Window(渐变窗口) 200

drifting, fluttering:飘动

颗: measure word | 飘动: drifting, fluttering | 圆: round

which flutters, like a butterfly:会飘动 像只蝴蝶

At noon on every Sunday, there appears a ball of light,|在每个星期天的中午 都会出现一个球状的... | which flutters, like a butterfly.|会飘动 像只蝴蝶 | - A will-o'-wisp? - That's right.|- 一个鬼魅? - 答对...


10. Takes 预备动作 | 11. Vibrates 摇摇晃晃,飘动和抽打 | 12. Accents 强调动作

wind drift:风生流;风的主流向;随风飘动的天上云或海面杂物

wind drift 风偏流 | wind drift 风生流;风的主流向;随风飘动的天上云或海面杂物 | wind driven current 风生流