英语人>词典>汉英 : 风笛 的英文翻译,例句
风笛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bagpipe  ·  bagpipes  ·  cornemuse  ·  dudelsa

air whistle
更多网络例句与风笛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those 320 kilts have been provided on a trial basis by Argyll Bagpipes and Kilts, but that company has not officially been awarded the final contract.


This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.


He successfully improved the traditional bagpipe music, the success of Scottish music will be extended to the whole world, thus laying a Scottish bagpipe music in the world.


The Great Highland Bagpipe5 is the most common bagpipe in Scotland. It is a very loud instrument and is therefore often played outside.


Army bagpipers are to be forced to wear earplugs - because health and safety officers fear the skirl damages hearing.


There were bagpipers singing in the street, the sound loud and clear. There were magicians too, with fair and long fingers. The crystal balls in their hands looked so light and unreal. I felt that I would come to Scotland again. Maybe I also had an old soul.


And pipers. A few years ago to several hundred years after the baptism of 'Scottish Pipe Band has become a wedding party' Carnival 'indispensable instrument.


Highland dancing is most commonly done to bagpipes, and the version pipers play today dates back to the16 th century.


18 Century by the British army, to become Scottish pipers blink very important instrument. In the 19th century, pipers even more competition in Scotland civil surging, which produced many well-known pipers in hand.


In fact, pipers in all parts of the world, but why is everybody remember only that Scotland Pipe Band? Because in the minds of the people of the world, not a single Scottish bagpipe music refers to itself, it also connected to a long list of representatives of the Scottish Highlands of traditional culture has long history of Scottish culture into an integral part.

其实 风笛在世界各地都有,但为何大家却独独记得苏格兰风笛﹖只因在世人心中,苏格兰风笛并不是单指乐器本身而言,它还连接着一长串代表苏格兰高地传统文化的历史也早已升华为苏格兰文化中不可或缺的一部份。

更多网络解释与风笛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

doodle all the day:风笛手整日随性吹奏着

Play it and we'll sing along 你吹出我们便跟着唱和 | Piper, piper play, toodle, doodle all the day 风笛手整日随性吹奏着 | Nothing in the world is wrong 世间仿佛万事太平


起源 风笛(Bagpipe)起源于古罗马,是广泛流行在欧洲的民族乐器,它是一种带有空气袋的吹奏管,由演奏都向风袋吹气,再反风袋内的气流压送到装在风袋上的簧管而发音.


苏格兰风笛(bagpipe)虽然近听甚吵,但从皇家大道的另一端听来偶有胡笳的凄切,偶有战鼓的雄浑,不管是何种感觉,总是成了街头表演天然的背景音乐. 不过,这可苦了那些以音乐表演为主的街头艺人,所以,有些音乐表演者会刻意走避,


baghouse 囊式集尘室 | bagpipe 风笛;人为干扰发射机 | bagwork 装袋工作;沙包

scottish bagpipe:苏格兰风笛

由此,也加剧了我对苏格兰风笛(Scottish bagpipe)的钟爱. 所以我刻了三张苏格兰风笛的CD. 我的邻居是一位来自苏格兰的老头,有一次请他来家里吃饭,我在席上播放其中一张,他听了嗤之以鼻的样子以及另一位来自英格兰的客人听我说起苏格兰风笛时那种不屑一顾的神情,


实际上"风笛"是一种很难演奏的乐器,大约每500个吹"风笛"的人中才会出一名真正的"风笛手(Bagpiper)". 2、在詹姆斯二世的时候,各部落便是靠风笛来联系之间的感情,结合各部族的力量以维持其高地的传统势力以抵抗异族的侵略. 直到今天,


bagpiper 风笛手 | bagpiper 吹风笛的人 | bagsofconsderablemassesofquantitiesof 大量的

bagpiper:吹风笛的人, 风笛手

bagpipe /风笛/ | bagpiper /吹风笛的人/风笛手/ | bags /裤子/


skirl 风笛的声音 | skirl 用风笛演奏 | skirl 尖锐声


Musette:风笛舞曲. | Loure:古风笛舞曲. | Polonaise:波兰舞曲,肖邦有大量名作.