英语人>词典>汉英 : 风云人物 的英文翻译,例句
风云人物 的英文翻译、例句


influential man · man of the hour · men of the day · men in the news · It's a Wonderful Life
更多网络例句与风云人物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At one particularly embarrassing session last week Vladimir Bukovsky, a giant in the Soviet dissident movement, struggled to make his voice heard over a deafening blast of rock music from the event next door.

在上周一个的会议中出现了特别尴尬的一幕,在苏联持不同政见运动的风云人物Vladimir Bukovsky,不得不使劲提高自己的嗓门,才可以使自己的声音不被来自隔壁的震耳欲聋的摇滚乐所干扰。

The magazine's year-end ritual goes back to 1927, when aviator Charles Lindbergh was given the title.


Prince Bandar lives at the crest of Washington diplomatic and political society.


Mostly would be special to coagulate dint, attraction innumerable a man of the hour.


He is one of the distinguished students at school.


The self-control since the 2001 Jun Wang, had made "dualist" online games industry, and other well-known theory of man is still normal working to address all of the company's size matters.


Bush, who bested Al Gore by one electoral vote to win the White House


He established with David Filo in student times this company, make the man of the time of Silicon Valley quickly, nevertheless, he does not want to hold the position of CEO all the time.

他在学生时代跟David Filo创办了这家公司,并迅速成为硅谷的风云人物,不过,他并不是想一直担任CEO的。

The team consisting of Olympic rower James Cracknell, Ed Coates, a doctor from Bristol and TV personality Ben Fogle have undertook one of the most arduous and dangerous endurance events in the world and it seems have taken along a Solar Technology Super Charger and FreeLoader to supply power to their personal gadgets along the way.

队伍由奥林匹克划桨手吉姆斯·克莱可尼尔、从布里斯托来的医生爱德·阔爱特、以及电视风云人物本·福基乐组成,他们一起从事了这次世界上最艰苦最危险和考验耐久性的活动,而Solaris 科技的超级充电器和Freeloader在一路上作为他们的小工具一直伴随着他们。

He is a Magic School fifth-grade students, but also a man of Hogwarts.


更多网络解释与风云人物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a sudden change in the situation:风云突变

风云人物--man of the hour | 风云突变--a sudden change in the situation | 风烛残年--old and ailing like a candle guttering in the wind


在>周刊做出这一宣布之后的几个小时之内,"美国在线 "(AOL)互联网有八万多网民参加了一项网上调查,有百分之六十 一的网民对>周刊的这一挑选感到意外, 有百分之三十七的 网民认为布什应该成为本年度的风云人物.

a famed personage:风云人物

风水轮流转 Every dog has his day. | 风云人物 a famed personage. | 逢凶化吉 to turn bad luck into good fortune.

Lands Far and Near:世界各地

Famous Persons 风云人物 | Lands Far and Near 世界各地 | Plants and Animals 动物植物

Gleaming Auction:闪烁的拍卖

02 Wow 风云人物 | 03 Gleaming Auction 闪烁的拍卖 | 04 Whatever's Left 无论留下什么

incumbent president:在职总统

incumbent president在职总统 | successive mayors继任市长 | men of the hour风云人物

mass man of the year:年度新闻人物,年度风云人物

makeup n. 版面设计 | mass man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物 | mass media 大众传播媒介

Aquanaut of the Year 1965:年6月20日 风云人物 英勇事迹

37 Hostages of the Deep 1965年6月13日 渡假风波 | 38 Marineville Traitor 1965年6月20日 卖国贼 | 39 Aquanaut of the Year 1965年6月20日 风云人物 英勇事迹

Charlie's right. Going to parties, hanging with the populars:查理说的对 参加派对 与风云人物聚会

But no, you had to use it for your own personal ga... | Charlie's right. Going to parties, hanging with the populars.|查理说的对 参加派对 与风云人物聚会 | lf l remember correctly, you benefited too.|如...

Richard Kiley, Man of La Mancha:李察丹、风云人物拉曼恰

Jane Lapotaire, Piaf阿珍lapotaire,PIAF | Richard Kiley, Man of La Mancha李察丹、风云人物拉曼恰 | ALL SINGING, ALL DANCING所有唱歌,所有跳舞