英语人>词典>汉英 : 颞骨鼓部 的英文翻译,例句
颞骨鼓部 的英文翻译、例句


tympanic bone
更多网络例句与颞骨鼓部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The characteristics of skull bones are; underdevelopment of paramostoid process of the occipital bone; unjointing of zygomatic process from its arch with no supraorbital foramen; formation of semiglobal structure by petrous temporal bone;no naso -maxillary notch between nasal bone and nasal process of premaxilla; unobvious facial surface of lacrimal bones;well-developed nasal process of premaxilla; no facial crest of maxillae's exterior;...


Methods Twenty-two pieces of temporal bone were taken for this study. The mastoid cavity was opened, scutum removed,"bridge" broken down, posterior wall of external auditory canal abraded and the related anatomic structures were fully exposed. The distance between the origin of facial nerve canal and the anterior border of round window ( OOFNC-ABORW ), between the highest point of the facial nerve canal and the bottom of posterior mastoid sinus,and between the stapes head and round window niche was measured under operating microscope.


Methods Twenty-two pieces of temporal bone were taken for this study. The mastoid cavity was opened, scutum removed,"bridge" broken down, posterior wall of external auditory canal abraded and the related anatomic structures were fully exposed. The distance between the origin of facial nerve canal and the anterior border of round window ( OOFNC-ABORW ), between the highest point of the facial nerve canal and the bottom of posterior mastoid sinus,and between the stapes head and round window niche was measured under operating microscope.


Temporal bone fracture occasionally occurs, but a pure fracture of tympanic portion of the temporal bone is less common.


更多网络解释与颞骨鼓部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

middle ear:耳

位置: 位置 鼓膜 28 2,形态 形态 松弛部 鼓膜脐 紧张部 光锥 29 中耳(middle ear) 第二节 中耳 中耳位一含气的不规则腔道,位于颞骨岩部内, 包括鼓室,咽鼓管,乳突窦和乳突小房4部分.

styloid process:茎突

(五)茎突 茎突(styloid process)起于颞骨鼓部的下面,伸向前下方,呈细长形,长短不一,平均长约25mm;远端有茎突咽肌、茎突舌肌、茎突舌骨肌、茎突舌骨韧带和茎突下颌韧带附着.

scala tympani:鼓室阶

植入之方式是在全身麻醉下,於已剥除毛发的耳后作一皮肤切口,藉由乳突切开(mastoidectomy),由后方进入中耳腔(posterior tympanotomy),将电极经圆窗上方施行耳蜗造口术(cochleotomy)植入耳蜗之鼓室阶(scala tympani)内,接收器的部分则放置於颞骨上磨出之凹槽内,

internal ear:耳

内耳(internal ear)由于结构复杂,又称为迷路,全部埋藏于颞骨岩部骨质内,介于鼓室与内耳道底之间,由骨迷路和膜迷路构成. 骨迷路由致密骨质围成,是位于颞骨岩部内曲折而不规则的骨性隧道. 膜迷路是套在骨迷路内的一封闭的膜性囊.