英语人>词典>汉英 : 预烧 的英文翻译,例句
预烧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与预烧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The resistance products have various types, and are for different lightning arrester, restrictive transformer, capacitor, electric machinery, vacuum switch, transformer neutral point sealed electrical instruments, cable, and railway line overvoltage.


Silicon powders were mixed with pore-forming agent of 30wt% and agglomerant of 1wt% and shaped into discs of Φ70 mm×5 mm by mould pressing under pressure of 40 Mpa.


The big size anvil used wax as plasticizer at dewaxing. The main dewax stage from 270℃ to 400℃. Have gas release summit between 400℃ and 750℃. Setting up rational process date at dewax stage can prevent cemented carbide crack. But the crack will appear and impair the quality of products when the microcrack flaw inner compact.


This heat treatment can prevent the formation of large Sr-Ca-Cu-O particles which can form in tape during isothermic heat treatment of high temperature and can release 30〓 phase in the tape.


The results show that MgO powder is enwrapped by the BST sol during the Sol-Gel process.


With the purpose of obtaining the ferroelectric cathode material with large emission current density, the preparation conditions of PZT series ceramic were studied.

通过掺杂改性和改进预烧条件等手段,有效地改善了材料的性能参数,制备出相对介电常数大于3 000的弛豫相铁电陶瓷和压电常数大于500×10-12C/N的铁电相铁电陶瓷。

The machining experiment has been studied to the briquet presintered at 1150oC. The machining cost related to cutting parameters, such as shaft speed, feedrate and cutting depth has been discussed.


The relationships between the presintering process including the ratio of heating-up, presintering temperature and holding time to alumina and the machiningperformance of its presintered briquet were studied respectively.


When precalcined at 930℃, MnZn power ferrites have highest initial permeability and density, lowest power losses.


LiNi0.95Mg0.05O2 could be formed with I(003)/I(104) ratio 1~1.1, R-factor I(006+I(102)/I(101) ratio 0.67~0.94, and (108)/(110) splitted peak, c/a ratio 4.914~4.925, in R3m space group under the conditions of 210~280 MPa pelletized powder, heating rate 2℃/min to precalcined temperature 600℃ for 9~15h,crushed and repelletized, heated till 600℃ in 5℃/min, then switched to 1℃/min till 750℃ isothermally for 15~20h all in oxygen flow.

发现以210~280 MPa对试样压片,在氧气气氛下经2℃/min升温速率升温至600℃,预烧9~15h后,再粉碎、压片以5℃/min升温至600℃之后以1℃/min升温至750℃恒温15~20h,可得I(003)/I(104)峰比值1~1.1,R-factor I(006+I(102)/I(101)峰比值0.67~0.94,并且有(108)与(110)的分裂峰,同时c/a比值4.914~4.925,属于R3m空间群的锂镍镁氧化合物。

更多网络解释与预烧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

backing pump:预抽真空泵

backing fire 逆风而烧的林野火灾 | backing pump 预抽真空泵 | backing wind 逆时针转向的风


最新的蜡烛(烛光)(Candle)型过滤芯硅藻土过滤机,过滤部件间的间隙小,只有30μm(比通常的硅藻土过滤机50~70μm小). 这种新型过滤机的硅藻土预涂层不需要熔化助剂的烧制品,采用中等助剂一次预涂即可,既缩短了预涂助剂的时间,


precalcination 预烧 | preceramic 预制陶瓷 | precipitates 沉淀物

preroll shift:预转移动

preroast furnace 预焙烧炉 | preroll shift 预转移动 | prerupture flow 破坏前流动

precombustion diesel:预燃(烧)式柴油机

precombustion chamber 预燃室 | precombustion diesel 预燃(烧)式柴油机 | precombustion engine 有预燃室的柴油机

precombustion engine:有预燃室的柴油机

precombustion diesel 预燃(烧)式柴油机 | precombustion engine 有预燃室的柴油机 | precombustion reaction 预燃(烧)反应

precombustion reaction:预燃(烧)反应

precombustion engine 有预燃室的柴油机 | precombustion reaction 预燃(烧)反应 | precompensation 预先补偿

prereduction of iron ore:矿石预还原

prereduction 预还原 | prereduction of iron ore 矿石预还原 | preroasting 预焙烧

burn in period:预烧期

"预烧,烧入","burn-in" | "预烧期","burn-in period" | "预烧萤幕","burn-in screen"

preheating zone:预热带

检查坑道inspection pit | 预热带preheating zone | 烧成带firing zone; burning zone