英语人>词典>汉英 : 预习 的英文翻译,例句
预习 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prep  ·  prepped  ·  preps

prepare lessons before class
更多网络例句与预习相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afterwards I studied at C4-409, previewing the text Araby by James Joyce, and was greatly interested in the story concerning the love experience of the hero, and I was pitiful towards the disappointment that he felt, as well as shocked at the writing style of stream of consciousness.

今天早上吃完早饭走在大道上,遇到同学,快步走上去给撑伞,即兴做了一个思辨问题的采访,随后在 C4-409预习詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《阿拉比》,深深地被小说的男主人公的爱情故事所吸引,为他的失望而惋惜,更为乔伊斯意识流的写法所震撼。

The courseware reflects the process of experiments by the text and pictures in particular. through the courseware, the autodidact could acquire a strong impression about experiments, and then understanding the principle and whole experiment process in detail. the prepare lesson before experiment using this courseware will achieved the knowledge of experiments.


To be doubtful of to be confident of to be critical of to be desirous of 意群提示 Back This group of young people, desirous of desirous of fame and wealth / take every fame and wealth, took every occasion to occasion / demonstrate oneself demonstrate themselves.

one's road 新视野-短语应用导入预习课文写作 Back 怀疑:怀疑这群年轻人渴望成名确信:确信与财富,与财富,所以抓住每不满,对不满,挑剔不满挑剔:次机会展示自己。次机会展示自己。

To beg for mercy be left to the mercies of sb.意群提示 Back When the little boy realized the serious consequences realize the serious consequence of sth.

make an exception 随笔词组互译句型应用导入预习课文写作任由摆布任由摆布:摆布当小男孩意识到他顽皮对某人表示仁慈:对某人表示仁慈行为的严重后果时,行为的严重后果时,他乞求宽大,乞怜:乞求宽大,乞怜真诚地请求宽恕。

I think you should do below Firstly,you should finish work unattached (not only your classwork ,but also your homework) Secondly,do some preparation before your class.


To commit oneself to to devote oneself to to bend oneself to Back 意群提示 Having devoted all his love to the homeless for devote all one's love to/public spotlight/the focus of decades, the old man now becomes the focus of public sth.

随笔 词组互译句型应用导入预习课文写作几十年以来,承诺几十年以来,老人来把专心致志于;专心致志于;自己的爱都献给了无家献身于,献身于,专心于可归的人,可归的人,现在他成了专心于,专心于,致力于公众关注的焦点。

Prepare the comparative and superlative degree of adj.


Human serum albumin through an intravenous drip together with inhalation of oxygen in a high volume flow.


First, the majority of them somewhat previewed the magazine in different ways, but they did not do enough.

一、 多数的受试者皆偶尔用不同的方式预习杂志内容,但这些预习并无对他们的阅读能力有显著的影响。

We prepared this lesson last class, this class we will check and exchange our work, first we'll check the words.


更多网络解释与预习相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


电弧融接法是最常用应用最多的方法. 仪器一般包括四个部分:光纤的准直与加紧机构,光纤的对准机构,电弧放电机构,电弧放电和电机驱动的控制机构. 要求通过预习和实验,对各部分有深入的了解和认识. 准直(collimating)与对准(alignment)部件非常精密,严禁用手触摸,保持距离.

apartment flat:[英]

预习 Word | 1、apartment flat[英] | 2、equipped 装备完善的

Break down the job into teachable parts:(化整为零)

1 Preview the job to be learned (预习培训内容) | 2 Break down the job into teachable parts (化整为零) | 3 Associate new ideas with old (温故知新)


"撬棍"(crowbar)式电压过大保护电路;. 4. 直流电源供应器的设计. 预习问题. 1. 固定电压稳 ...... 安森美半导体新推出四大产品系列中的63种低压降(ldo)稳压器,另外七种将于数个月 内陆续推出. ... 组合,

do one's lessons:复习(或预习)功课

lesson n. 功课,课程;教训 | do one's lessons 复习(或预习)功课 | have lessons 有课

do one's lessons:做(预习或复习)功课

term n. 学期 | do one's lessons 做(预习或复习)功课 | volleyball n. 排球

do one's lessons:做(预习、复习)功课

do one's housework 做家务 | do one's lessons 做(预习、复习)功课 | do problems 解决问题

Have you previewed the new lessons:你们预习新课了吗

15. Let me sum up the last lesson , After that we'll take up a new lesson.让我来总结一... | 16. Have you previewed the new lessons? 你们预习新课了吗? | 17. Are you ready for this English class? 你们准备...

I think you've all previewed the text. Who would like to say something about the text:我想你们都预习了课文. 谁来讲讲课文大意

I shall give you a brief account of ... | I think you've all previewed the text. Who would like to say something about the text ?我想你们都预习了课文. 谁来讲讲课文大意? | I shall give you the general i...

7]:Revisiting the Old Haunt:中级口译词汇预习笔记

中级口译词汇预习笔记[7]:Revisiting the Old Haunt | 故地重游 Revisiting the Old Haunt | world-renowned 世界闻名的