英语人>词典>汉英 : 颁布 的英文翻译,例句
颁布 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
decree  ·  enact  ·  enactment  ·  decreed  ·  decreeing  ·  decrees  ·  enacted  ·  enacting  ·  enacts

更多网络例句与颁布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To this end, 100 Xi Zhang in 1902 ordered the drafting of the "King James charter school", that is Renyin school system, but despite the enactment of this school system has not been implemented. Promulgated early in 1904 by Zhang Zhidong, 100 Xi Zhang, Rong, consolidated the "outs setting school charter," or "Guimao school system."


Chapter 6, from 1992, through the 1993's Corporation Act, to 1996 is the deepening stage of the corporation thoughts in China.


The result was a firman of 1690, by which the Franciscans were to be reintegrated as they had been prior to 1630. The sentence was solemnly published in Jerusalem on June 25, 1690 in the presence of the authorities and the contending parties. On June 29th the Franciscan Custos, with a solemn Mass, took again possession of the Holy Sepulchre and other sites within the Basilica.


Your medical and health data are processed on the basis of Article 7,§ 2,, of the Belgian Data Protection Act of December 8, 1992 when such processing is carried out under the supervision of a health professional and is necessary for the purposes of medical diagnosis, treatment or the management of health-care services and, on the basis Article 7,§ 2,, of the Data Protection Act of December 8, 1992 for any other purposes described in this Patient Informed Consent Form.


If the Respondent applies to the court for it to consider the Respondent's financial position after the divorce, the decree nisi cannot be made absolute unless the court is satisfied that the Petitioner had made or will make proper financial provision for the Respondent, or else that the Petitioner should not be required to make any financial provision for the Respondent.


The Shah Dynasty found then lasted until now. Nepal was invaded by Britain in 1814 and forced to cede a vast expanse of territory to India which was controled by Britain at that time. Its diplomacy was supervised by Britain as well. During the period from 1846 to 1950 Nepal was controled by Rana Family . The fight aganist it intrigued by Nepali Congress brought the dormination of Rana Family to an end, and constitutional monarchy was put into practice. In February of 1959 ,Mahemdra Bir Bikram Shah Dev issued the first constitution of Nepal, the New Constitution was issued in 1962. Birendra , Bir Bikram Shah Dev ascended throne in1972, he dismissed the National Panchayat in the April 16, 1990,and he also issued the third constitution in Nov ember of the same year. Then the multi-party of constitutional monarchy was set up.


In Jiangsu Province promulgated "Foreign construction firms, construction management provisions into" requests, only enterprises in the province failed to meet the tender requirements, in order to allow foreign enterprises Senate bid; Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province and Taiyuan city where received "excellent project manager cards," in large, plus five hours in the field Accreditation of plus 2 hours lower probability of successful enterprise field; Shenzhen, Shanghai and other cities issued documents, only registered enterprises are eligible in the local tender for foreign enterprises in the past two years has stopped registration procedures.


On the basis of these findings, an agency may or may not promulgate aregulation.


As long, O disciples, as the Bhikkhus assemble frequently and hold frequent meetings, as long as the Bhikkhus meet together in unity, rise in unity, and perform the duties of the Sangha in unity; as long as the Bhikkhus shall promulgate nothing that has not been promulgated, abrogate not what has been promulgated, and act in accodance with the already prescribed rules; as long as the Bhikkhus support, respect, venerate and honour those long-ordained Theras of experience, the fathers and leaders of the Order, and respect their worthy speech; as long as the Bhikkhus fall not under the influence of uprisen attachment that leads to repeated births; as long as the Bhikkhus shall delight in forest retreats; as long as the Bhikkhus develop mindfulness within themselves so that disciplined co-celibates who have not come yet may do so and those who are already present may live in peace-so long may the Bhikkhus be expected not to decline, but to prosper.


The prizes for physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiological or medical works by the Caroline Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm; and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting.


更多网络解释与颁布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

enact statute:颁布法令

5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免 | 6. enact statute 颁布法令 | 7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李

enact v.t:制定;颁布

牐 draft v. 起草;设计 | 牐 enact v.t. 制定;颁布 | 牐 amend v. 修正;改正


be invalided out of the army因伤病奉命退伍 | 39.issuance签发,颁布 | issuance of a note签发票据


地下流体密度 is-situ fluid density | 发行;颁布;发给 issuance | 出版 issue

The issue of an order:命令的颁布

Monetary issue 货币放行. | The issue of an order 命令的颁布. | The latest issue 最近一期报刊.

mandate: v.1:把...委托别国管辖 2.批准,颁布

standard of conduct: n.行为标准,行为准则 | mandate: v.1.把...委托别国管辖 2.批准,颁布 | compliance with: n.1.遵从,依从 2.顺从,屈从

mandate: v.1:把...委托别国管辖 2.批准,颁布 mar: v.毁损,玷污

mandate: v.1.把...委托别国管辖 2.批准,颁布 mar: v.毁损,玷污8¥?T?á[forum.liuxuehome.comC?ר(?? | mass: n.大量,群众8¥?T?á[forum.liuxuehom... | matter: v.要紧,有关系,对...重要8¥?T?á[forum.liux...


prompt 迅速,立刻的; 驱使,激起 | promulgate 颁布,公布 | pronounce 断言,宣称,清楚地发音


颁布 issue | 颁布 promulgate | 办案 handle a case

WESTBANK promulgate:颁布

颁布 WESTBANK issue | 颁布 WESTBANK promulgate | 办案 WESTBANK handle a case