英语人>词典>汉英 : 鞍头 的英文翻译,例句
鞍头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pommel  ·  pommeled  ·  pommeling  ·  pommelled  ·  pommelling  ·  pommels

更多网络例句与鞍头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tung finished and folded his hands over the reins on the pommel of his saddle.


The handle generally sports a triune motif as is common to the pommel and blade.


If your seat is too high, your hips rock on each pedal stroke and strum your soft tissue across the nose of the saddle.


Double, riveted seams add a touch of craftsmanship and elegance, while saddle-shaped head-restraints are unmistakably Italian in style.


This African-themed exhibit with African huts and a body of water, houses endangered birds like the Shoebill, the African Crowned Crane, the Saddle-Billed Stork and more.


Meet thecrested cranes, saddle-bill storks, egrets, wood ibis, vultures and the rare shoebill stork.


Results Mucopolysaccharidosis typeⅠ had characteristic X-ray changes of bones:①Enlarged skull and hook- shape Sella Turcica;②Short and thick phalanges and metacarpal Bones;③Dilated central part and thin ends of upper and lower limb bones;④Kyphosis deformity of spine, beak-shape stick out of anteroinferior margin of Kyphosis deformity vertebra;⑤Broadening ribs as paddle shape;⑥Shallow acetabulum and enlarged Acetabular Angle;⑦Prolonged femoral neck, Coxa Vara or coxa valga.

结果 粘多糖病Ⅰ型具有较典型的骨骼X线改变,(1)头大,蝶鞍呈乙型;(2)掌指骨粗短;(3)上、下肢骨中央膨胀两端变细;(4)脊椎后凸成角,后凸椎体前下缘成鸟嘴状突出,上下椎体呈卵圆形;(5)肋骨增宽呈船桨;(6)髋臼变浅,髋臼角增大;(7)股骨颈增长,髋内翻或外翻。

Methods Respectively analyzed the X-ray, CT and image post-processing manifestations of mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅰ. Results Mucopolysaccharidosis typeⅠ had characteristic X-ray changes of bones:①Enlarged skull and hook- shape Sella Turcica;②Short and thick phalanges and metacarpal Bones;③Dilated central part and thin ends of upper and lower limb bones;④Kyphosis deformity of spine, beak-shape stick out of anteroinferior margin of Kyphosis deformity vertebra;⑤Broadening ribs as paddle shape;⑥Shallow acetabulum and enlarged Acetabular Angle;⑦Prolonged femoral neck, Coxa Vara or coxa valga.

结果 粘多糖病Ⅰ型具有较典型的骨骼X线改变,(1)头大,蝶鞍呈乙型;(2)掌指骨粗短;(3)上、下肢骨中央膨胀两端变细;(4)脊椎后凸成角,后凸椎体前下缘成鸟嘴状突出,上下椎体呈卵圆形;(5)肋骨增宽呈船桨;(6)髋臼变浅,髋臼角增大;(7)股骨颈增长,髋内翻或外翻。

The Short had returned with a plain, sturdily functional sad dle; as he and the other wranglers undertook the complicated task of tacking up the dragonmount, he nodded at the beast and said,"Boga."


Methods 10 specimen of adult cadaver heads were collected and the following data was measured under microscope: the distance between the pterion and seller region, and that between the pterion and anatomical landmarks of the middle cranial base as well as the angle between them, which provided data basis for choice of various surgical instruments.


更多网络解释与鞍头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


clinocephalism 鞍形头 | clinocephaly 鞍形头 | clinodactyly 指弯曲


\\"临床病理学\\",\\"clinico-patbology\\" | \\"斜顶头,鞍状头\\",\\"clinocephalia,clinocephaly\\" | \\"臭虫属,床虫属\\",\\"Clinocoris,Cimex\\"


demineralize 去除矿物质 | demipique 低鞍头战鞍 | demiquaver 十六分音符


头盖中间突起的区域称为头鞍(glabella),两侧较平坦的区域为固定颊. 头鞍是三叶虫中轴的一部分,也是分类上重要的根据之一. 多数的三叶虫有一对复眼,眼睛的位置在缝合线的中段,也就是自由颊与头盖的交界处. 胸部由许多胸节组成,


鞍马 pommel horse | 鞍头 pommel | 鞍形山脊 saddle

glabellar furrow:头鞍沟

头鞍 glabella | 头鞍沟 glabellar furrow | 头鞍前沟 preglabellar furrow

basal glabellar lobe:头鞍基叶

头鞍侧叶 lateral glabellar lobe | 头鞍基叶 basal glabellar lobe | 前坑 anterior pit, fossula

lateral glabellar lobe:头鞍侧叶

头鞍前叶 frontal glabellar lobe | 头鞍侧叶 lateral glabellar lobe | 头鞍基叶 basal glabellar lobe

saddle jack:夹头起重器

saddle inclusion angle ==> 鞍座包角 | saddle jack ==> 夹头起重器 | saddle joint ==> 鞍接合,鞍形接合,鞍状关节,咬口接头

saddle type pin boss:鞍形销座

saddle type milling head ==> 滑鞍形铣头 | saddle type pin boss ==> 鞍形销座 | saddle type turret lathe ==> 鞍式转塔车床