英语人>词典>汉英 : 面貌 的英文翻译,例句
面貌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aspect  ·  visage  ·  aspects

facial features
更多网络例句与面貌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Species, 2 indeterminate species and 1 unnamed form of filamentous and coccoid taxa are identified of which 1 genus and 7 species are newly erected


This paper presents a fast approach to estimate the pose of human face from a monocular image, combining with the Chinese's appearance morphologic characteristic discovered by human appearance morphologic statistics, and cooperating with the theoretical foundation of projective geometry.

主要研究内容包括: 1。计算机辅助的面貌形态测量模型的建立。在人类学和形态学知识的基础上,分析了姿态估计技术需要使用的面貌形态特征,确定了测量涉及到的人脸特征点,形成可计算模型。

From starting companies, to helping developing nations industrialise, to making a difference in the non-profit sector, to managing money on Wall Street, HBS graduates are shaping the global economy, says the school's website.


Knowing current talented person, our person follow realizes own biggest ideal with promote principle that we combine together, make everybody very much our development be space, environment that own great ideal that leading, but the feedback is a reasonable spirit feature to talented person with our economic performance, providing to each where there is a will development with term, here the way descend our spirit feature with the exaltation that economic performance got the continuous changes and improvements.


Little by little, when his astonishment had passed off, he grew accustomed to this radiance, he contemplated these deeds without dizziness, he examined these personages without terror; the Revolution and the Empire presented themselves luminously, in perspective, before his mind's eye; he beheld each of these groups of events and of men summed up in two tremendous facts: the Republic in the sovereignty of civil right restored to the masses, the Empire in the sovereignty of the French idea imposed on Europe; he beheld the grand figure of the people emerge from the Revolution, and the grand figure of France spring forth from the Empire.


Little by little, when his astonishment had passed off, he GRE w accustomed to this radiance, he contemplated these deeds without dizziness, he examined these personages without terror; the Revolution and the Empire presented themselves luminously, in perspective, before his mind's eye; he beheld each of these groups of events and of men summed up in two tremendous facts: the Republic in the sovereignty of civil right restored to the masses, the Empire in the sovereignty of the French idea imposed on Europe; he beheld the grand figure of the people emerge from the Revolution, and the grand figure of France spring forth from the Empire.


And historic changes have taken place in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC.


Since then, the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people have, in an indomitable enterprising spirit and with their spectacular practice of innovation, composed a new epic recounting the Chinese nation's ceaseless efforts to make progress and become stronger, and historic changes have taken place in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC.

从那时以来,中国 gongchandang 人和中国人民以一往无前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践,谱写了中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进新的壮丽史诗,中国人民的面貌、社会主义中国的面貌、中国 gongchandang 的面貌发生了历史性变化。

Since then, the Chinese Communists and the Chinesepeople have, in an indomitable enterprising spirit and with their spectacular practice of innovation, composed a new epic recounting the Chinese nation's ceaseless efforts to make progress and become stronger, and historic changes have taken place in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist Chinaand the CPC.


The congress affirms that since the introduction of the reform and opening up policy in the late 1970s, the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people have, in an indomitable enterprising spirit and with their spectacular practice of innovation, composed a new epic recounting the Chinese nation's ceaseless efforts to make progress and become stronger, and historic changes have taken place in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC.


更多网络解释与面貌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

political affiliation:政治面貌

Put on a good face: 假装高兴. | Political affiliation: 政治面貌. | Place of origin: 籍贯

look alike:面貌酷似的人

look 看 | look-alike 面貌酷似的人 | look-in 看望

amenity area:美化城市面貌地带

amenities 城市面貌建筑;举措措施;康乐举措措施 | amenity area 美化城市面貌地带 | amenity railing 雅观栏杆

In each changeless changing shape:每次它毫无例外以变幻的面貌(出现)

I have known the call to battle 我早已能认出战争的召唤 | In each changeless changing shape 每次它毫无例外以变幻的面貌(出现) | From the high souled voice of conscience 高至灵魂良知的呼唤

good looks:(男)面貌英俊; (女)面貌姣好

1. stunning (口)极好的,极漂亮的 (强调长相好) | 2. good looks (男)面貌英俊; (女)面貌姣好 | 3. 开玩笑、作弄人 poke fun at sb. = make fun of sb.


hard-face 覆硬质金属 | hard-faced 面貌严厉的 | hard-favored 面貌严厉的


hard-faced 面貌严厉的 | hard-favored 面貌严厉的 | hard-favoured 面貌严厉的


而勒维纳斯认为,他人之所以于我有意义是由于他呈现为"面貌"(visage). 所谓面貌不是认识的论据,也不是被看见的图像,而是一种外在的无限,面貌一向我呈现,就立刻与我有关系. 当他人看我时,我就处在他的目光的逼迫之下,

in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC:中国人民的面貌、社会主义中国的面貌、中国共产党的面貌

13. 一往无前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践:in an indomi... | 14. 中国人民的面貌、社会主义中国的面貌、中国共产党的面貌:in the visages of the Chinese people, socialist China and the CPC. | 15. 党的建设:the...

new look:新面貌

在这种形势下,艾森豪威尔提出"新面貌"(New Look)军事战略. 或者说少花钱,更安全(More Security at Less Cost ). 但是这只是一个原则,如何做到"新面貌",艾森豪威尔心中无数. "大规模报复战略"是在他当上总统后的一年多时间中逐渐形成的.