英语人>词典>汉英 : 面团状的 的英文翻译,例句
面团状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Raw milk cheese made from a recipe brought to Bavaria in 1821 from the Emmental region of Switzerland. Yellow paste with regular, cherry-size holes and a nutty taste.

由原料奶制成,配方于1821年从瑞士的Em m e ntal地区传入;黄色面团状,有整齐的草莓大小的孔和坚果口味。

Sausage bun: Roll each dough into long strip. Roll the strip around the sausage diagonally.


An unraised doughnut, usually twisted but also shaped into rings or oblongs.


Shape dough into walnut sized balls, and roll them in the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar. Place the cookies 2 inches apart onto an ungreased cookie sheet, and flatten slightly.


My manufacture method: Uses half bread flour to add the half mixed grain flours first (for example maize meal, broom corn millet sub-powder, sorghum powder, to be possible), mixes symmetrically, with the boiling hot boiling water synthesis pasta, and the little honey mixes with half two oils; Makes the stuffing, with the little surface, the brown sugar, the walnut not be broken, the candied and preserved fruit broken and the Dried scallop; Then the package becomes the steamed stuffed bun and light pressure Flat (best presses Discus style in order to artistic); Puts in the warm wok with cooking oil to fry in oil Sallow, a good food then completed.


Photo Gallery: Extreme Ice Survey This doughy-looking iceberg in western Greenland's Disko Bay was once part of the enormous Jakobshavn ice stream, a river of ice four miles wide and several thousand feet thick.


System cake: The well-fermented dough on the case, the roll into the surface film, the sesame oil, pastry or meat stalls in the surface film, the roll into a roll, cut into 50 cm wide, 30 cm face block; to face block bag into a circular stained with sesame seeds, and then one by one along the border, so that around the tilt, in the middle low surface level, into a circle around the pot-shaped tilt.


更多网络解释与面团状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cherry tomato:小番茄

把发酵的面团按压,做成长方形的扁片状. 可爱的小番茄(cherry tomato)洗干净,擦干. 然后用竹签在上面多扎几个洞,这样有助于水分的蒸发.

Pasty, doughy:浆状的、糊状的

a doughy consistency 面团般的粘性 | Pasty, doughy . 浆状的、糊状的 | saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸

Perilla Leaf:紫苏叶

在日本料理中,紫苏叶(Perilla Leaf)经常铺排搭配凉面或沙西米,扮演著色、香、味的角色. 在这道点心里,紫苏叶则是和奶油、糖粉、蛋与面粉水乳交融地和在一块,面团经过冰藏、再杆成片状,刻上叶脉,洒上芝麻再烘烤. 光嚼紫苏叶,有人觉得腥,

Pita Bread:口袋面包

何谓口袋面包(Pita Bread)呢?顾名思义就是形状像口袋的面包. 它起源于中东阿拉伯国家,也是当地人的主食之一. 将片状面团经高温烤焙之后,在瞬间胀大成为中空的飞碟状,从中间纵切便成为两个口袋形状的面包,可塞入任何食材和菜肴,


flagelliform 鞭状的, 细长而柔软的 | Breslau 布雷斯劳(波兰西南部城市弗罗茨瓦夫) | doughsheeter 面团轧片机, 轧面机