英语人>词典>汉英 : 靠近海洋的 的英文翻译,例句
靠近海洋的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The resistivity of sea influences the distribution of ground potential, so the ground potential closed to sea will drop to zero.


Simulation results show the surface potential closed to sea drops to zero influenced by sea. The lower potential of substation makes more DC currents of power grid flow through transformer neutrals and causes DC bias of transformers.


The sea scorpion Jaekelopterus rhenaniae , nicknamed "Jake", is thought to have lived 390 million years ago and, given this claw is about half a metre long, is estimated to have been around 2.5 m long – almost half a metre longer than previous estimates and the largest ever to have evolved.

导读英国和德国科研人员在德国西部,发现一种远古海洋蝎子的化石,相信它们有2.5米长,比一般成人还要高。这种名为"Jaekelopterus rhenaniae"的海蝎子生活在4亿6000年至2亿5500年前,单单是爪子就有46厘米长。它们原本在靠近沿岸的温暖海水中活动,后来转移到淡水生活。

Skerry A leaping manta ray seems to fly above the Gulf of California off the coast of Mexico.


Turn your desktop into a spectacular ocean aquarium full of tropical fish swimming around your icons.


More than 90 percent of all marine life inhabits in the shallow waters surrounding the Earth's landmasses.


She also pointed out that the algae farms would have to be fairly close to the ocean's surface for sunlight to penetrate, which could be an issue for boaters.


Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral "wings," stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays.


Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral "wings," stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays.


Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral "wings," stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays.


更多网络解释与靠近海洋的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1770年4月20日,英国皇家海军的詹姆斯库克船长指挥"奋进号"(Endeavor)海洋探察船靠近今天称为维多利亚东端的陆地,完成了澳大利亚轮廓图的绘制工作. 英国运送囚犯的第一船队是于1788年1月在悉尼(Sydney)登陆的,


简介:大眼鱼龙(ophthalmosaurus)这是侏罗纪晚期中等体型的肉食性 鱼龙,生活在广大的海洋,为胎生动物,并只有在生产时才会靠近岸边. 它们的游泳速度可能相当快,并以没有牙齿的长嘴追捕乌贼和鱼类,大眼鱼龙可长达 5 公尺.

Sea anemones:海葵

位於Surin岛南方40公里处,潜水深度约12米到24米之间,可以看到各种软硬珊瑚、海葵(sea anemones)以及珊瑚礁鱼类. 此地是海洋国家公园的北边,已经相当靠近缅甸(Myanmar)的海域. Richelieu Rock可能是世界上观看鲸鲨最佳地点,