英语人>词典>汉英 : 非炎性的 的英文翻译,例句
非炎性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The high blood viscosity is closely related to the pathogenesis of non-temporal arteritis AION.

结论高 血粘度与非颞动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变的发生密切相关。

The function of gallbladder has been injured evidently of the cystic polyp patients that the polyp are located at the collum of cholecyst or whose cholecyst have a non-inflammatory pachyntic paries,and the number of stone in cholelifhiasis patients is more then three.or the pachyntic paries more than 0.3 centimeter.

单个结石大于 2cm或小于 1cm但多于 3块或囊壁厚度大于 3cm的患者胆囊的功能明显受损。伴胆囊限局性非炎性肥厚或位于颈管部并伴临床症状的胆囊息肉患者胆囊功能明显受损

Be not a few kinds importantly factor of phlogistic sex cell and the research progress that are short of ailing concern of blood-vessel of head of courage and uprightness to make the following overview now.


Factor of 1 nerve nutrition and lack gene of nutrition of ill nerve of blood-vessel of head of courage and uprightness is a group of special protein and peptide kind element, this are familial include nerve to grow factor (factor of nutrition of nerve of sex of NGF), head source , nerve - 3, alkalescent grow into fiber cell factor and nerve of sex of colloid cell source.


CPF possesses antinociception in three hyperalgesic models of mice and is effective in both inflammatory and non-inflammatory pain induced by formalin.


We have confirmed that BoNT/A has no direct effect on acute, noninflammatory pain.

因此,我们可以肯定,肉毒毒素 A 对急性的非炎性疼痛没有直接作用。

The Western blot results were consistent with those of immunohistochemical method. CONCLUSION: p38 MAPK expression increases in alveolar and airway epithelial cells in LPS induced acute lung injury rat models. The activation of p38 MAPK is found in most lung tissues, suggesting that p38 MAPK participates in the signal transduction in inflammatory and noninflammatory cells.

LPS诱发的大鼠急性肺损伤模型中,磷酸化p38 MAPK在气道和肺组织内表达增加,p38 MAPK的激活见于肺组织内多数细胞,提示肺内炎性和非炎性细胞均有p38 MAPK信号分子的激活。

To determine the effects of ovarian steroid hormones and some cytokines on the expression of RANTES in cultured cells METHODS AND RESULTS The study included the following two parts 1 The Protein Production of RANTES in Peritoneal Fluids and the Expression of RANTES mRNA in Eutopic and Ectopic Endometrium of Patients with Endometriosis Twenty-eight patients with endometriosis were selected as study group and twenty patients without endometriosis and maglinant disease were selected as control group . In our study, 10 samples of peritoneal fluid in Em and 10 samples of in En were taken, 13 specimens of ovarian endometrioma , 3 red peritoneal endometriotic lesions , 2 uterosacral ligament nodules , 17 matched eutopic endometrium and 12 specimens of endometrium in En were biopsied.

研究目的 1 从蛋白水平检测RANTES在子宫内膜异位症患者腹水中的表达,从核酸水平比较RANTES在内异症患者的异位病灶和在位内膜与非内异症患者子宫内膜之间表达的差异,探讨RANTES在内异症患者盆腔炎性反应中的作用;2 体外培养在位和异位的子宫内膜细胞,研究细胞因子TNFα、INFγ、雌孕激素以及PPARγ激动剂15-d-PGJ〓对RANTES表达的影响,探讨这些因素在内异症发病机理及内异症患者盆腔炎性反应中的作用。

Also present are comedones, papules, and pustules or total lesion count of greater than 125 on the face.


Background The clinical course of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy,the autoimmune disease of retro-ocular tissues,is well known.During the active state, TAO is characterized by oedematous swelling and dysfunction of the extraocular muscles,and expansion of orbital connective tissue.Unfortunately,muscles remain thick during the subsequent inactive phase,causing persistent proptosis,making it impossible to assess disease activity by imaging techniques which provide only size information.

研究背景:甲状腺相关性眼病(thyroid associated ophthalmopathy,TAO)是一种球后组织自身免疫性疾病,处于炎性活动期的患者眼部可表现为眼睑肿胀、眼肌肥厚、眶内容物扩张,即使进入非炎性活动期,眼外肌依旧肥厚,最终导致眼球突出。

更多网络解释与非炎性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据浆膜腔积液的性质,可分为漏出液( transudate )和渗出液( exudates )两大类. 漏出液为非炎性积液,其形成的主要原因为血管内胶体渗透压降低、毛细血管静脉压增高和淋巴管阻塞;渗出液为炎性积液,其形成的主要原因有各种炎症和恶性肿瘤等.

atrophic laryngitis:萎缩性喉炎

慢性喉炎(chronic laryngitis)是单纯或合并的喉粘膜、喉肌、喉部的末梢神经、喉软骨膜、喉软骨以及软骨间的关节等组织的慢性非特异性炎性反应. 临床上将其分为慢性单纯性喉炎(chronic simple laryngitis)、肥厚性喉炎(chronic hypertrophic laryngitis)、萎缩性喉炎(atrophic laryngitis ).

Secretory otitis media:分泌性中耳炎

分泌性中耳炎(secretory otitis media)是以鼓室积液及听力下降为主要特征的中耳非化脓性炎性疾病 中耳积液可为浆液性漏出液或渗出液,亦可为粘液. 本病命名尚不统一 有称为渗出性中耳炎、卡他性中耳炎、浆液性中耳炎 浆液-粘液性中耳炎、非化脓性中耳炎.


(4)硫磺(Sulfur),间苯二酚(Resorcin) 单独使用硫磺或合并使用resorcin可以软化皮肤角质,保护毛囊壁,帮助病灶的恢复,具有杀菌效果. 更适合油性皮肤,中性肌肤. 适用于非炎性青春痘及炎性青春痘. 属于Sulfur类产品:香港KORANE CREAM强力无比兔暗疮护肤系列,


[荨麻疹](Urticaria)俗称风团、风疹团、风疹块(与风疹名称相近,但非同一疾病),是一种常见的皮肤病. 由各种因素致使皮肤粘膜血管发生暂时性炎性充血与大量液体渗出. 造成局部水肿性的损害. 其迅速发生与消退、有剧痒.

noninflammatory edema:非炎性水肿

noninferior solution 非劣解 | noninflammatory edema 非炎性水肿 | noninflationary wage increase 非通货膨胀的工资增长

Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified:阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指

子宫非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of uter... | 阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified | 外阴和会阴非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vulva and pe...

Noninflammatory disorder of uterus unspecified:子宫非炎性疾患,未特指

宫颈非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of cervix uteri u... | 子宫非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of uterus unspecified | 阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vagina u...



vitamin A deficiency:维生素A缺乏

维生素A缺乏(vitamin A deficiency)亦称蟾皮症(phrynoderma),系因缺乏维生素A引起的一种营养缺乏病. 其特征为皮肤干燥,四肢伸面有非炎性的棘刺状毛囊丘疹,伴以眼部症状如眼干燥、角膜软化或夜盲. 属中医"藜藿之亏"范畴.