英语人>词典>汉英 : 非常流行 的英文翻译,例句
非常流行 的英文翻译、例句


all the go
更多网络例句与非常流行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is when the first bullfight took place in celebration for the crowning of King Alfonso VIII.


That style is all the rage at the moment.


Bungee jumping is a very new X-sport,but it has become popular all over the world.


It will be seen, however, that majolica can give significant indications regarding the use and disuse of certain instruments over the centuries as well as being a depositary for the conservation, uncontaminated by time, of images narrating past realities; we will see, for example, how during the Renaissance the lute and the vielle were widespread, as was the organ, whether portative or positive; we no longer encounter these in baroque majolica and it is above all the violin which we find in majolica of the Eighteenth Century.

人们会注意到,通过对陶器的观察,我们可以知道在那几个世纪的年代中,人们喜欢用哪些乐器,不喜欢用哪些乐器。陶器上还画有关于过去人们生活的写照,这些图画虽经岁月却依然清晰。例如,我们可以看到,在文艺复兴时期,鲁特琴和vielle (或叫 lira da braccio)非常流行,而可携带的或固定的风琴也很流行。在十七世纪的陶器中,我们就看不到这种情况了。而在十八世纪的陶器中,我们只能看到小提琴了。

JavaScript is the most popular scripting language on the internet and it works with all major browsers.

JavaScript 是非常流行的脚本语言,它可以在目前所有流行的浏览器上运行

It's a very popular and powerful scripting language used for web applications, although its use is being largely replaced by


If, for instance, 500 subjects were studied, but no more than 50 echoed, the conclusion would be highly suspectable. b The author fails to point out that when the survey was conducted. If the change is very recent, it is possible that insufficient data have been gleaned to draw such a conclusion, an unconvincing one.

看到这类数字一方面可以完全按照样本不足的模板来处理,也可以按照自己的意思来表达:例如:NO.6说"爵士乐在M非常流行",列举了"去年夏天10万多人参加了M的爵士音乐节"位论据,我们可以这么攻击:10万人是个很大的数字,但是就拥有1千万人的 M来讲,这个数字并不能说明爵士乐在M很流行。

The iPhone could end up being enormously popular, and at this stage of the game there's no sense in foreclosing options.


This is a very applicable to low-income groups售房form, very popular in foreign countries.


Finished in general there are four colors: white, golden yellow, light gray and gray, in some of the old British colonies, such as West Africa and the Caribbean, white is very popular in the United Kingdom, the most popular yellow and gray.


更多网络解释与非常流行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That was a big hit:非常流行

I am the Yankee Doodle boy|"我是北方佬小毛孩" | That was a big hit.|非常流行 | - Do you believe in God? - I beg your pardon?|-你相信上帝吗? -什么?

all the go:[美]非常流行, 风行一时

transmitting valve 发射管 | all the go [美]非常流行, 风行一时 | weldless 无焊缝的

all the go:非常流行

all the father 尽...所有/所能 | all the go 非常流行 | all the world and his wife 所有人

all the go:非常流行, 风行一时

all the fun of the fair | 所有的玩艺儿 | all the go | 非常流行, 风行一时 | all the ills that flesh is heir to | 人生难免的痛苦 命运的打击

It's the latest fashions,very popular:这是最新款式,非常流行

I could recommend something for you.我可以向您推荐一种货品. | It's of good quality.这是优质品. | It's the latest fashions,very popular.这是最新款式,非常流行.

Nowaday's S.U.V is very popular b:现今的休闲车非常流行

sport utility vehicle 运动功能车 | Nowaday's S.U.V is very popular b现今的休闲车非常流行 | public bus 公共汽车

Smash Hit:非常流行

smarty-pants 自作聪明的人 | smash hit 非常流行 | smash in 打破

Smash Hit:非常流行的东西

smash : vi. 捣碎、摔碎、碰撞、猛冲、投掷、扣球、杀球 | smash hit : 非常流行的东西 | smash-and-grad : 砸橱窗抢劫

talk of the town:非常流行的东西

talk big 讲大话 | talk of the town 非常流行的东西 | talk one into 说服

and winemaker) is New Zealand's edgy, contemporary boutique winery. With:名字命名而成的)而今成为新西兰非常流行的酒庄. 随着马博罗

spontaneous glass of wine in Lon... | and winemaker) is New Zealand's edgy, contemporary boutique winery. With 名字命名而成的)而今成为新西兰非常流行的酒庄. 随着马博罗 | a state of the art facility in M...