英语人>词典>汉英 : 非常成功的 的英文翻译,例句
非常成功的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sock  ·  socked  ·  socking

更多网络例句与非常成功的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are a very successful group of students.


Filmography : ZHOU Weiping, originally a very successful painter, has become a very reknown cinematographer and director, covering beautifully the Southwest of China.


They are all incredibly successful musicals and nothing can take that away from any of them individually.


It became one of Hollywood's most successful cartoons. The cartoon Pinocchio in 1940 was also very successful.

它变成了好莱坞最成功卡通之一。1940 年的卡通童话中的主角也是非常成功的了。

Carl Sagan was an extremely successful scientist and university professor. He was also a successful writer.


Many cases has proved that even if a person is a very successful industry, a sector to another, often is not fully back to things,"you want to change the world, or to sell soft drinks lifetime "is the invitation of Pepsi-Cola CEO Steve Jobs Johns Cowley Joined Apple said, it results in the very successful John PepsiCo, Apple flat.


There is a dangerous time lag built into even the most successful institutions.


It is a bustling city which has demonstrated surprising development and is showing an imagination and new technology that startles whoever studies its current evolution.


Durant-Dort Carriage. Before getting his start in the automobile business, General Motors founder William C. Durant was a very successful manufacturer of horse-drawn carriages. The Durant-Dort Carriage Company was founded in 1893 by Durant and his partner, J. Dallas Dort. The business grew rapidly during the 1890s as Durant strove to produce a substantial yet lightweight good-looking four-wheel buggy at a reasonable price.


Flying over areas that had already been mapped by conventional geologic techniques, l'avion renifluer , or "the sniffer plane" was spectacularly successful in picking out oil fields


更多网络解释与非常成功的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dinosaur也指过大的(impractically large)、行动迟缓的(slow-moving)、过时的(obsolete)、不成功的(unsuccessful)或注定灭绝的(bound for extinction)人或事,尽管恐龙事实上是非常成功的地球生物. 它的后代鸟类(bird)依然非常成功[科学上也可划归dinosaur].


我一羽名为"舞者"(Dancer)的雌鸽赢得鸽王赛第3位,这是因为它于3回全国赛和经典赛事的杰出表现争取而来的. 1970年我有一回旅经比利时,我曾目睹一系非常成功的鸽子,但是却因那些雄鸽长有"雌相"而有点儿失望,但是它们充满气魄,

Drowning Mona:淹死莫娜

德维托不仅是位出色的喜剧演员,同时还是位非常成功的制片人,去年由他监制并主演的黑色电影>(Drowning Mona)就大受好评,德维托最近的作品是>.




telling非常有效的 | nation-wide全国的 | ups and downs: 起起伏伏,成功和失败

not so hot:普普通通 并不怎么高明或不怎么成功

make it hot for sb. [口]刁难某人, 使某人受不了 | not so hot 普普通通 并不怎么高明或不怎么成功 | piping hot [口]滚热的; 非常新鲜的

batting one thousand:工作做得非常好,非常成功

right off the bat:立即 | batting one thousand:工作做得非常好,非常成功 | touch base:把某一件事的情况告诉有关的人

eager spectators:热切的观众们

GLOSSARY 词汇表 (双击查询详细解释) | eager spectators 热切的观众们 | things got off to a bang 非常成功的开始


月面车 1号实际上在月球的雨海 (Mare Imbrium)活动了 11个月, 在苏联月球探测计画中, 这是一个非常成功的一个. 月面车在 1971年的 10月 4日正式的停止运作, 这正好是史波尼克人造卫星 (Sputnik)发射升空的 14年纪念日.

make a hit CD/movie:制作一张非常成功的CD/电影

24 the Pacific ocean 太平洋 | 25 make a hit CD/movie制作一张非常成功的CD/电影 | 26 appear on TV 在电视上出现