英语人>词典>汉英 : 静脉石 的英文翻译,例句
静脉石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
phlebolite  ·  phlebolith

blood calculus · calcified thrombus
更多网络例句与静脉石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conservative therapy, including colonic clyster and intravenous drip of octreotide acetate, is effective on most of the elderly with stercoral obstruction of colon.


The result show in transplanted vessel EF-1 and PCNA are mainly expressed in smooth muscle cells and Clemons rate proliferation of SMC is the core of endothelium proliferation.In the third part of our experiment we use fluid nitrogen to fire transplanted rein, crofter tissue homogeneous to test the expression of CE and EF-1 gene we use RT-Craned immunohistologiccal method to test mKNA and protein level respectively and analyze the expression of these tm genes in transplanted vein.


Methods Three hundred and fifty patients for laparoscopic surgery were admitted to our department from August 2001 to February 2002. They included 45 cases of adrenal glands surgery, 55 simple nephrectomy, 25 radical nephrectomy, 11 nephroureterectomy, 3 partial nephrectomy, 110 renal cyst decortication, 4 polycystic kidney decortication, 12 ureterolithotomy, 16 pyeloplasty, 3 retrocaval ureteroplasty, 58 varicocele-varix ligation and 8 pelvic lymph node dissection.


Objective To observe the preventive effects of ondansetron in percutaneous nephrolithotomy after intraspinal anesthesia.


22 cases of complicated renal calculi with intrarenal pelvis underwent renal parenchyma lithotomy by hypothermic renal vascular block, as well as fast intravenous injection of 2.0 g inosine and 250 ml of 20% mannitol.


Preliminary study revealed the devascular effect of PYM correlated with the inhibitory of vascular endothelial cells.


Neurogenic tumour is not likely in this case,as there is phlebolith demonstrated,and this mass is compressible under ultrasound.


There were no blood transfusion or serious complication in the study.Conclusions:Retroperitoneal laparoscopic operation,such as adrenalectomy,nephropexy,pelvioplasty,unroofing of renal cyst,pelvilithotomy,ureterdithotomy and spermatic vein ligation,have the advantages of minimai invasion,less blood loss and fewer complications,which is an effective and practical procedure.


There is a mass noted over the posterior cervical space in the left posterior neck ,that corresponds to the mass palpated by patient.This mass appears hyperintense on T2 image,and shows moderate contrast enhancement.Radiograph confirmed the presence of a phlebolith at this location,and complementary ultrasound shows hypoechoic mass which is compressible.


About one-third of the stones depicted by the unenhanced CT were not able to be demonstrated on the plain radiographs in our patients.


更多网络解释与静脉石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

phlebology:静脉学 静脉学

phlebolithiasis 静脉石静脉石病 | phlebology 静脉学 静脉学 | phlebomanometer 静脉血压表 静脉血压表


angiokinesis 血管舒缩 | angiolith 静脉石 | angiologia 血管学


由于血栓内的水分被吸收而变得干燥、无弹性、质脆易碎,可脱落形成栓塞. 若血栓未能软化又未完全机化,可发生钙盐沉着,称为钙化. 血栓钙化后成为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith). 机化的血栓,在纤维组织玻璃样变的基础上也可发生钙化. .

hemic calculus:静脉石

hemiballism 偏身颤搐 | hemic calculus 静脉石 | hemicephalalgia 偏头痛


\\"脐肠系膜静脉\\",\\"omphalomesenteric vein\\" | \\"脐静脉炎\\",\\"omphalophlebitis\\" | \\"脐石\\",\\"omphalotith\\"

Phlebolith; phlebolite; Vein-stone:静脉石

Pheochromoblastic tumor 嗜铬胚细胞瘤 | Phlebolith; phlebolite; Vein-stone 静脉石 | Phlebology 静脉学


只能在显微镜下才能见到,主要由嗜酸性同质性的纤维素构成,又称为微血栓(microthrombus)或纤维素性血栓(fibrinous thrombus). 血栓发生大量的钙盐沉着,称为血栓钙化. 依据受累血管不同又称为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith).

phlebolith:静脉石 静脉石

phlebolith 静脉石 静脉石 | phlebolithiasis 静脉石静脉石病 | phlebology 静脉学 静脉学


静脉,叶脉(植物) vein | 静脉石 vein-stone,phlebolith | 强毒的 velogenic

phlebolithiasis:静脉石病 静脉石病

phlebolith 静脉石 静脉石 | phlebolithiasis 静脉石静脉石病 | phlebology 静脉学 静脉学