英语人>词典>汉英 : 青蛙王子 的英文翻译,例句
青蛙王子 的英文翻译、例句


The Frog Prince
更多网络例句与青蛙王子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Do you think you are the Prince Frog?"


Prince Froggy is a rich little boy. You wanna be rich again.


I still got that froggy prince locked away!


Have you heard the story of frog prince and princess?


The Frog Prince, I miss you day and night of the MM.


Winners of the contest were used in a series called The Frog Prince.


But first, he has to turn the prince into a frog and find a replacement to play Prince Naveen.


Don't tell me that about long long ago,stories long before are not realistic at all, especially the story of The Frog Prince.


Unfortunately, most toads turn out to be as warty as they look, and magic kisses are harder to bestow than executives think.


So when the folks at Volvox Music suggested that we should make a record out of these songs, it made us all really happy that we would be able to keep track of what we had done.


更多网络解释与青蛙王子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Prince Charming:(青蛙王子)

>(prince charming)是我找了很久很久的一部片子,2001年还是2002年的时候在电视上看过一遍,当时觉得很好看,有一段对白让我印象很深. 几年过去了,我一直试图找到碟片都未果,这部片子连豆瓣上都没有. 前些日子突然给我在当当上找到了(价格2.30元人民币!

the tale of the Frenchwoman prince:青蛙王子

01 青蛙王子 the tale of the Frenchwoman prince | 02 纺线姑娘 Rumplestiltskin | 03 长发公主 Rapunzel

The Frog Prince:青蛙王子

Fachtna O'Kelly虽然不再担任Clannad的经纪人,他倒是建议恩雅投身为电影谱奏音乐,萝玛将恩雅的卡带送给"火战车"的电影制片大卫普特南(David Puttnam),普特南听过之后,就请恩雅为电影"青蛙王子"(The Frog Prince)谱写60年代的浪漫梦幻感觉,

The Frog Prince:青蛙王子? -没错 没错

Di Frogie Prutto!|青蛙王子! | - The Frog Prince? - Yes, yes, yes...|- 青蛙王子? -没错 没错... | My mother had the servants|我母亲的仆人

Donald The Frog Prince:(青蛙王子唐老鸭)

08 Goofy On Mars(高飞登上火星): | 09 Donald The Frog Prince(青蛙王子唐老鸭): | 10 Minnie's Birthday(米妮的生日):

Lesson Eight The frog prince:(青蛙王子)

Lesson Six Snow White(白雪公主) | Lesson Seven Cinderella(灰姑娘) | Lesson Eight The frog prince(青蛙王子)

the tale of the frog prince:青蛙王子

01 青蛙王子 the tale of the frog prince | 02 纺线姑娘 Rumplestiltskin | 03 长发公主 Rapunzel

The Frog Prince? - Yes, yes, yes:青蛙王子? -没错 没错

Di Frogie Prutto!|青蛙王子! | - The Frog Prince? - Yes, yes, yes...|- 青蛙王子? -没错 没错... | My mother had the servants|我母亲的仆人

Frog Prince, The:青蛙王子

9 Return Of Pom Pom, The 双龙出海 | 10 Frog Prince, The 青蛙王子 | 7 Heart To Hearts 三人世界

Collodi, Carlo. "Adventures of Pinocchio,The:木偶历险记

Defoe, Daniel. "Robinson Crusoe" 鲁宾逊漂流记 | Collodi, Carlo. "Adventures of Pinocchio,The" 木偶历险记 | Anonymous. "Frog Prince and Other Stories, The" 青蛙王子 晋江原创小说网