英语人>词典>汉英 : 青紫的 的英文翻译,例句
青紫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与青紫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the above symptoms and signs, some of them like cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, headache, blackish eyelids, tongue with ecchymosis, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia are the conventional ones, the others like flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, dispiritedness, dysphasia, distension of stomach and abdomen are found by us.


Meanwhile, cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, headache, blackish eyelids, dispiritedness, tongue with ecchymosis, dysphasia, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia, and distension of stomach and abdomen are more influential symptoms and signs.


Results Of all 14 cases, dyspnoea and cyanotic were main clinical symptoms; pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum were the most common and frequently associated.

结果 呼吸困难、青紫是新生儿气漏的主要临床症状;间质性肺气肿、气胸和纵隔积气最多见且常合并存在。

Having a gray or purplish color, as from cold or contusion.


In America a taxrebate landed in people's bank accounts in May and acted like a dose of smelling salts on a groggy bruiser.


A small, light-sensitive patch of pigment in certain algae and unicellular organisms.


Strokes the neck, the shoulder, to carry on the back the blue and purple the silt wound and deep grasps the mark, why Lin Hong does not understand the wife such "repugnantly".


Methods The experimental mice were given 200 g/L sweetpotato anthocyanin with a dose of 36 mL/kg, three times a day, for 14 days. Body weight and death rate were recorded. The mutagenicity of sparfloxacin on CHL cell in the presence and absence of S9mix was evaluated.

采用最大给药量试验,小鼠每天3次、每次36 mL/kg灌胃给予200 g/L的青紫薯色素水溶液14 d,观察其体质量变化和死亡情况;以仓鼠肺成纤维细胞行染色体畸变试验,对青紫薯色素进行毒理学评价。

Some of the Tang Dynasty have been unearthed in Turpan made silk fabrics chromatographic analysis, a total of 24 kinds of colors, which are silver red red, polygoni orientalis, scarlet, purpurea,绛紫; yellow have鹅黄, Huang Ju, armeniacum, golden,土黄, TB; green, blue egg blue, Azure, Turquoise Blue, Blue, Red Green, Navy; HU green green, pea green, leaf green, fruit green, dark green and so on.


When she was overseas, she tried to learn Pole dancing once, but had to give up because her arms were not strong enough. She could barely climb up the Pole, let alone slide down the Pole like a pro. Even so, she was ending up with a pair of bruising legs. When colleagues asked about it, she answered them with the true facts. Then she enjoyed watching the shocking faces on people. They had a hard time to imagine how this innocent Asian girl making sweet loves to a Pole.


更多网络解释与青紫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cyanosis:青 紫

核心提示: 青紫(cyanosis)亦称紫绀、发绀,是血液内还原血红蛋白浓度增高而在皮肤和黏膜上的表现. 较易出现于皮肤较薄、色素较少而毛细血管较丰富的部位,如口唇、指(趾)尖、鼻尖及耳垂等. 发绀既可由肺部疾病换气不足引起,

distention:膨胀, 延伸

cyanotic 发绀的 青紫的 | distention 膨胀 延伸 | failure 失败衰竭




内容: 紫斑症(purpura)基本上就是指体表出现出血点或是淤青的现象,而且受压后这些血点或是淤青并不会消失. 它形成的原因有很多,可能是良性的问题,也可能和某些恶性肿瘤有关. 所以一但身上出现莫名其妙的淤青或是小小出血点就必须找专科医师做评估检查以确定病因.

cyanose:发绀, 青紫

cyanopsia | 蓝视(症) | cyanose | 发绀, 青紫 | cyanosed | 发绀的, 绀色的

cyanosed:发绀的, 绀色的

cyanose | 发绀, 青紫 | cyanosed | 发绀的, 绀色的 | cyanosensor | 氰基传感器

cyanotic:发绀的, 青紫的

encephalopathy 脑病 | cyanotic 发绀的 青紫的 | distention 膨胀 延伸


hypercurve 超曲线 | hypercyanotic 高度青紫的 | hypercycle 超循环

because my Magic sword is beeping:因为我的紫青宝剑发出嘟嘟的讯号

没有 No | 因为我的紫青宝剑发出嘟嘟的讯号 because my Magic sword is beeping | 哪来的嘟嘟声啊? where does the beeping sound come from?

black-and-tan:黑底有褐色斑纹的, 同样迎合黑人及白人的

black-and-blue || 被打的, 被打得青紫的 | black-and-tan || 黑底有褐色斑纹的, 同样迎合黑人及白人的 | black-and-white photograph || 黑白照片