英语人>词典>汉英 : 青春后期的 的英文翻译,例句
青春后期的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In order to further explore the benefits of reasonable exercise on maintaining bone health and examine the effect of exercise on skeleton of young college students, 20 male students of college were divided into exercise group (participates bodybuilding frequently) and control group, some indexes of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were observed and analyzed.


The techniques of the midface rejuvenation develop with the understanding of the aging appearance and the development of the facial anatomy. The earliest form of rhytidectomy only removed a piece of redundant skin, but failed to achieve significant long-term benefit. To achieve a more durable benefit, numerous adaptations of face-lift techniques are devised, including SMAS face-lift, malar fat elevation and extended supraplastysmal plane face lift. The subperiosteal approach was firstly performed in 1980s. Youthful curve was detailed by Little William in 2000. To obtain the architectural ogee, the approach of volumetric sculpture, also named three-dimensional rejuvenation, was described.

随着整形美容外科医生对面部衰老变化的认识和面部解剖学的发展,中面部年轻化手术也随之发生着演变:最初的面部除皱术只是单纯去除松弛的皮肤,但术后远期效果不理想;为获得更加持久的效果,到20世纪70年代开始了一系列面部提升术,包括:各种SMAS提升术、颧脂肪垫提升术,扩大的颈阔肌上面部提升术;到20世纪80年代后期,学者提出为获得和谐的面部容貌应进行骨膜下面部除皱术;而到21世纪初Little William提出了"青春曲线"的概念,并实施了容量雕刻技术,即三维中面部年轻化手术。

China in 1949 to the end of 1950"s, which witnessed the first unprecedented outburst of political passion of Chinese youth, 2 the ten-year "Cultural Revolution period: when Chinese youth, driven by enthusiasm and blinded by flightiness and rashness, became politically naive and fanatical, 3 after the Third Session of the Eleventh Party Congress period: when political passion of Chinese youth, with the great tide of reform and open-door policy, came to a new surge, 4 the late 1980s period: when western modern ideas flooded into China, a student movement took place with impatience and negation of Chinese traditions and biased worship of western politics, and 5 the 1990s period: when Chinese youth discarded their restless state of mind started to take part in politics more maturely.


This dissertation has 7 chapters. Chapter One introduces the tradition of historical narration in Chinese literature, discusses the relationship between fiction and historical narration, and the historical view of humanism in traditional novels. Chapter Two analyzes the historical view in contemporary red narrative, the origin of red historical compilation, hypo-realism in red novels of officers, and the features of taking personal narrative as revolutionary narrative etc. the song of youth is taken as an example to illustrate the secret of changing little burgesses narrative into revolutionary narrative. Chapter Three focuses on re-emergence and changes of enlightenment historical narrative and the historical sense of enlightenment. Tibet, implied times and the family of red corn are taken as examples to illustrate the features of changing from enlightenment historicism to new historicism. Chapter Four examines the phenomena and characteristics of new historicism narrative. The following chapter concerns the historical narrative by Yu Hua and Mo Yan, and historical sense of quasi-new historicism in Wang Anyi's Changhenge.


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Pityrosporum folliculitis:糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎

糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎(pityrosporum folliculitis)是由糠秕孢子菌侵犯毛囊引起的炎症性皮肤病. 男性发病明显多于女性,多在青春后期发病.


成濑作品的男性形像,在后期有大变化.64年的(Yearning)与最后一部作品,由于加山雄三的加盟, 体现出一种成濑作品前所未有的阳刚之气.加山雄三,是曰本歌坛的巨星,曰本6,70年代的青春偶像,他本人甚至从事绘画创作,


postpuberal phase 青春后期 | postpubertal 青春后期的 | postpuberty 青春期后期


postpubescence 青春后期 | postpubescent 青春期后的 | postretinal 视网膜后的

Jeepers Creepers:惊人食人族

2001年的<<惊人食人族>>(Jeepers Creepers)让观众在体验惊悚气氛的同时认识了长着一张娃娃脸的英俊小生贾斯汀.朗. 这位出生于上个世纪七十年代后期的"老帅哥",与青春片结下了浓厚的情谊,在诸如<<等待>>(Waiting)、<<疯狂甲克虫>>中都在大肆展现着自己的青春魅力,