英语人>词典>汉英 : 霍沃思 的英文翻译,例句
霍沃思 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Haworth  ·  Hawarth  ·  Horrworth

更多网络例句与霍沃思相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Housed in the former Bankside Power Station, the new Tate Modern displays the Tate's collection of international modern art, including major works by Bacon, Dali Picasso, Matisse, Rothko and Warhol, as well as work by more contemporary artists.


Cast ::, Lisa Russo as Angelica , Mark Thompson-Ashworth as William , Gisella Mathews as Gertrude , Silva Belton as Bernice , Bianca Alessandra Ara as Hortense ..


The Houghton Mifflin Harcourt joint venture in China has culminated in the successful launch of the RISE (Riverdeep Immersion Subject English) Learning Centers.


I am the rector of the village of Haworth.


And he'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen Albus Dumbledore.


First, a note on the title: assuming Albus Dumbledore had an average tenure as Hogwarts Headmaster , over 1000 years, Hogwarts would have had some where between 20 and 25 Headmasters and Headmistresses .


Haworth is a village of small, grey stone houses on the side of a hill in the north of England, I live in a house at the top of the hil, next to the church and the graveyard.


更多网络解释与霍沃思相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Armando Dippet:埃曼多.迪佩特,邓布里多的前人

Albus Dumbledore--阿不思.邓布利多,现霍格沃茨学校校长,最伟大的校长 | Armando Dippet--埃曼多.迪佩特,邓布里多的前人 | Lord Voldemort--伏地魔


P D 巴特莱特(Bartlett)制备了氧化环乙构象(Conformation)这个词是霍沃思提出的,用来表示给定分子中原道构型"(equatorial conforma-tions)之间的区别加以解释的.

P33:The Old Oaken Bucket:旧橡木桶

Samuel Woodworth 塞缪尔?伍德沃思: | P33:The Old Oaken Bucket 旧橡木桶 | John Howard Payne 约翰?霍华德?佩思:

Petunia Dursley:佩妮.德思礼,哈利的姨妈,是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌有关魔法的东西

Petunia Dursley:佩妮.德思礼,哈利的姨妈,是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌有关魔法的东西 | Vernon Dursley:费农.德思礼,哈利的姨夫,也是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌... | Godric Gryffindor:戈德里克.格兰芬多,霍格沃茨的...

Albus Dumbledore:阿布思 邓布利多

不过没多久,影片就放慢了节奏,转为轻松的步调:霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts)校长阿布思.邓布利多(Albus Dumbledore)让哈利陪他一起去找学校以前的魔药课老师斯拉格霍恩(Horace Slughorn).

Haworth methylation:霍沃思甲基化作用

Hawksley's formula ==> (用于计算水库浪高)霍克斯累公式 | Haworth methylation ==> 霍沃思甲基化作用 | hawse ==> 锚链孔