- 更多网络例句与震撼人心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In "Kids Return" the heaven's harmony, numerous contradictory elements, namely, confidence, excellence, activeness, aspiration, sublimity, inferiority, gloom, savagery, naturalness and artificialness, cancel out each other, generating a kind of "striking tranquility".
In the busy city of New York, such an astonishing thing that ever happened.
Leading a virtuosic ensemble made up of pipa, di ze, sheng, erhu, zhong and da ruan, and percussion, Liu Xing creates a sound that ranges from blissful romantic lyricism to jarring angular atonality, yet retains a fundamental inter-relation.
I see it first at dawn on balor secundus,the rising sun behind it,an ochre wound in the smoke.
在Balor Secundus,破晓黎明时,我第一次看见了它,冉冉升起的太阳被巨人遮蔽,硝烟弥漫,身躯上锈迹斑斑的伤痕是如此震撼人心。
Filmmaker Christian Baumeister portrays the most beautiful waterfalls on earth in breathtaking pictures full of energy and poetry.
It meets the demands of both the cultural context of Postmodernism and the targeted group in Hong Kong. Such intertextual techniques as parodying, buffoonery, playing a reversed role, and "piecing together", etc., produce a stirring effect among viewers. Meanwhile, the openness of the interpretation of this postmodernist text is in accordance with the characteristics of the cyber media. It can be said that it is the web that accomplishes this film.
Have you ever seen any cobble that would shock you ?
Desegregate , integrate , mixbecome one; become integratedcalculate the integral of; calculate by integration
背单词诀窍,只需每天5分钟 20世纪最震撼人心的照片加、减、乘、除的表示法
Wushan in the rotating drum birthplace - Song of the beach town so there's been civil, human ancestor Fu Song of the beach in the area of life, once he heard the local people in order to expel worms and a wolf in sheep's clothing designed for the huge Drums The sound, all of a sudden it was stirring sonorous drums attracted, and he also fell in love with a resounding encouraged by the spin of the rough, and he sounded the first Chinese drum skin surface.
For example, Chongqing people created chili pepper with escargot that let people find escargot to eat from the full plate of chill pepper, which confuse people what is the main ingredient in the dish, whether is the chili pepper or the escargot.
- 更多网络解释与震撼人心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Ai no corrida:感官世界
早在1976年日本名导演大岛渚(Nagisa Oshima)惊世骇俗的>(Ai no Corrida)就包括了真实性交、口交、射精的情节. 1979年意大利色情导演丁度巴(Tinto Brass)的>(Caligola,另译>)也有很震撼人心的群交戏,
Faulkner, William:福克纳
"高尔夫作家Bill Fields形容斯尼德的挥杆像是美国小说家福克纳(Faulkner William)的句子一样"绵长,但有完美的停顿作装饰,用有力的结尾震撼人心. "
the finals:总决赛
此外,Solebox业已宣布这款"总决赛"(The Finals)版将是他们设计的最后一款New Balance 1500,也许这都是这双新品名字的由来吧. 倘若果真如此,那这双战鞋对是整个系列最震撼人心的收山之作. 此番共推出两双设计极至简约的新品,
I've got plenty of other mind-blowing ideas:我还有很多很好的点子
I've heard that story andit's really mind-blowing. 我听过那个故事,真的很震撼人心啊. | I've got plenty of other mind-blowing ideas.我还有很多很好的点子. | yucky school dinners 学校里难吃的饭菜
The Patriot:爱国者
* >(The Patriot) 梅尔吉普森的另一部震撼人心的战争题材电影. 在成为士兵之前,他们都只是家庭中的普通一员,这又是一场为自由而战的...... >留给我们的,更多的是那种坚定的神情,那份对爱人的神情,那份对儿女的关爱.
The Pianist:钢琴战曲
在2008年的奥斯卡颁奖礼前夕,欧洲影评人认为波兰名导安德烈华依达(Andrzej Wajda)拍出了比罗曼波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)>(The Pianist)更震撼人心的二战电影,讲述当年卡廷森林大屠杀惨痛经历的>(KATYN).
The Poet:诗人
荣获美国爱伦坡奖的推理小说家麦可.康纳利,继受到高度好评的作品>(The Poet)登上>畅销书排行榜后,再度推出以鲍许警探为主角的作品>,被赞誉为鲍许警探系列最震撼人心的作品--不仅故事剧情张力十足、错综复杂,
Hotel Rwanda:盧安達飯店
>( Hotel Rwanda)这部震撼人心的电影,虽然在去年的奥斯卡与金球奖中颇受瞩目,编剧、男主角、女配角皆获奥斯卡提名,但可以想见这部全以黑人演员为主的电影,势必不受国内片商的青睐.