英语人>词典>汉英 : 震怒 的英文翻译,例句
震怒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wax  ·  waxed  ·  waxes

be enraged · be furious
更多网络例句与震怒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It will be hard for women who are with child, and for her with a baby at the breast, in those days.

21:23 当那些日子、怀孕的和奶孩子的有祸了,因为将有大灾难降在这地方、也有震怒临到这百姓。

Be apt to do sth.易于 Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull.


He fell into a great passion, and wrote to the poor bootmaker the following letter: Oh!


Because of your furious wrath, you lifted me up just to cast me down.


LORD, punish me no more in your anger; in your wrath do not chastise me!


My father was shocked at the damage to the clavichord.


"No," he said curtly, and his tone was livid.


Pope, then leave a hidden rage as soon as possible,"you"d better prepare divorcement!


THE EVTA (Bureau of Employment anf Vocational Training) of CLA Council of Labor Affairs made all the migrant organizations panic and astonished, for their almost-finished "Migrant Workers' Financial Management System"(the Money-Flow Management System, literally has a lot of illegal, unconstitutional articles, violates human rights, and


I was enraged to find they had disobeyed my orders.


更多网络解释与震怒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

discredited the fine reputation of government officials:影响了政府官员的良好声誉

对政府错失大表震怒expressed anger at th... | 影响了政府官员的良好声誉discredited the fine reputation of government officials??? | 调查政府面对非典型肺炎的处理手法investigating the government's handling...

CFFILLERRobbie Fowler:福勒北昆士兰震怒

SBSYREMINOSylvinho西尔维尼奥曼城#1672 | CFFILLERRobbie Fowler福勒北昆士兰震怒#971 | STSMEARLAlan Smith史密斯纽卡斯尔#1779


坦尼便问负责送信的联邦法院执法官(Marshall)是怎么回事?执法官满腹委屈地报告说,他来到军营门口,向哨兵表明身份,递上名片,但哨兵传令回来后没有任何答复,"我连门都没让进". 坦尼再次震怒. 他告诉听众:"一个军官无权逮捕和拘留没有违法战争法则的人",

but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully:怡羞的仆人遭其震怒

罪恶是人民的羞辱. but sin is a reproach to any people. | 35 智慧的臣子蒙王恩惠; A sevant who deals wisely has the king's favor... | 怡羞的仆人遭其震怒. but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully.

Teste David cum Sibylla:那日子才是天主震怒之日

Solvet saeclum in favilla, 尘寰将在烈火中熔化, | Teste David cum Sibylla. 那日子才是天主震怒之日, | Quantus tremor est futurus 审判者未来驾临时,

Teste David cum Sibylla:那日子才是上主震怒之日

Solvet saeclum in favilla, 尘寰将在烈火中熔化, | Teste David cum Sibylla. 那日子才是上主震怒之日, | Quantus tremor est futurus 审判者未来驾临时,

Dies irae:震怒之日

小知识:安魂曲其实也是弥撒曲的一个分支,主要是指罗马天主教用于超度亡灵的特殊弥撒,安魂曲的唱词与普通弥撒基本相同,但省略了荣耀经(Gloria)与信经(Credo),增加了"震怒之日"(Dies irae).

Mozart : Dies Irae:莫札特:震怒之日

14.Aine Minogue : Breton Children ' s Song 布里登孩童之歌 | 15.Mozart : Dies Irae 莫札特:震怒之日 | 16.Mozart : Confutatis 莫札特:惡人判決

Dies irae, dies illa:末日来临,震怒之日

3.1 Dies irae 末日经(又译:愤怒之日) | Dies irae,dies illa, 末日来临,震怒之日 | solvet saeclum in favilla, 在这一天,世界将化为灰烬

Dies irae ... Tuba mirum:震怒之日,号角响彻四方

14 The Lamb 羔羊 | 15 Dies Irae-Tuba Mirum 震怒之日,号角响彻四方 | 16 Hallelujah 哈里路亚大合唱