英语人>词典>汉英 : 零比零的 的英文翻译,例句
零比零的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与零比零的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We won the game with a score of 5 to zero .


The simulation results by applying zero-equation model are compared with those by adopting Prandtl mixing length theory and K-ε two equation model.


A negative number is less than zero.


In today's other two matches in Germany, South Korea held France to a one-one draw and Japan and Croatia ended in a goal-less draw.


The second baseman went 0-for-2 at the plate in the Yankees' 8-0 loss to the Pirates, but he made the hour-long trip with no problems and stayed in the game for its entireity.


Whoa!-...zero-zero contest, and Ballard hip-checked Kelly down to the ice in an impressive but clean move.

哇! -。。。零比零,而 Ballard 在大幅但利落的移动中用臀部将 Kelly 撞倒在冰面上。

At the same time, at the aspect of theory, we givea lot of results, including: performance calculating formula of FFT phase comparing,coincidence relation of calculating result and target' s real range, calculatingformula under zeroize FFT or single channel.


The first direct measurement with micrometer piston skirt and the outside diameter Do micrometer stop screw to the locking plate position, and then dial indicator card installed and well well inserted under the initial installation of the amount of cards, directly into the cylinder corresponding cylinder kit, adjust the volume of the cylinder rod out in table inserted length, so that small hands dial indicator cell has about 1 volume of pre-press and lock locking rod inserted mother, at the same time, large dial indicator dial to adjust zero, the last cylinder to adjust the volume of good form under test card inserted rods and do at Anvil micrometer and measured the rod between the big hands dial indicator at this time than the "zero" high value is the piston and cylinder liner with the space.


The first direct measurement with micrometer diameter piston skirt, and then dial indicator card installed and the initial installation of the amount of good cylinder rod inserted card table micrometer mounted on the anvil between the seat and the measuring bar, adjust the volume of cylinder table Interpolation of the extended length of rod, when the dial indicator has small hands around 1.5-2 cell volume preloading lock locking rod inserted mother, and a large dial indicator to zero adjust the final stretch to the volume of cylinder table into the Cylinder Sleeve, large dial indicator hands than "zero" low value (considering the small hands reading) is the piston and cylinder liner with the space.


The final outcome of the game was 0-0 tie.


更多网络解释与零比零的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Love game:一方得零分的一局(体)

love all 双方打成零比零(体) | love game 一方得零分的一局(体) | puppy love 早恋


奈米管首先将以一种可印刷的'油墨'(ink)呈现,这种油墨的速度比竞争的有机电晶体快10倍. 在此同时,零维的碳60原子空心碳球富勒烯(fullerenes)可实现矽无法达到的高温超导特性. 内含碱金属原子的紧密封装型富勒烯超导温度可达38K.

penalty kick:踢罚球

昨天,我们的足球队跟Oirschot比了一场赛. 他们目前是第二名,我们是第四名. 我们已经跟Oirschot比过赛了,那时我们零比七输了,所以我们没有要赢得想法. 但没想到,我们既然四比四踢平了,在踢罚球(penalty kick)的时候,我们赢了.

nightly news:晚间新闻

另外,他的"晚间新闻"(Nightly News)也吸引了1千零60万的观众,比前一周增加了31%. 初步的新闻收视率显示,三大电视网的竞争让"卡特里娜"紧紧抓住了观众们的眼球,一改之前收视状况不佳的市场窘境. 上一周(8月29日~9月4日)美国共有2千900万观众,

Figliuoli di Adin, quattrocento cinquantaquattro:亚丁的子孙四百五十四人

14 比革瓦伊的子孙二千零五十六人; Figliuoli di Bigva... | 15 亚丁的子孙四百五十四人; Figliuoli di Adin, quattrocento cinquantaquattro. | 16 亚特的子孙,就是希西家的子孙,九十八人; Figliuoli di Ater, della...

scorekeeper:记分员 (名)

scorecard 记分卡 (名) | scorekeeper 记分员 (名) | scoreless 无得分的, 零比零的 (形)

scoreless:无得分的, 零比零的 (形)

scorekeeper 记分员 (名) | scoreless 无得分的, 零比零的 (形) | scorer 记录员, 刻划痕迹的人 (名)

Can You Feel It-The Tamperer:(巴比倫俱樂部的介紹)

Spunk-Greek Buck(影集的片頭,收錄在原聲帶中) | Can You Feel It-The Tamperer(巴比倫俱樂部的介紹) | Let's Hear It for The Boy-Katty B. (俱樂部裡八零年代的老歌)


特别是, 不能在需要 ASCII 空字符 (NUL) 的地方用 NULL. 如果有必要, 提供你自己的定义C 程序员传统上喜欢知道很多 (可能比他们需要知道的还要多) 关于机器实现的细节. 空指针在源码和大多数机器实现中都用零来表示的事实导致了很多无根据的猜测.


而博茨雅 (Botswana)、肯尼 (Kenya)、 米比 (Namibia)、斯威士 (Swaziland)、津巴布 (Zimbabwe)和其他 家的犀牛均是七零年代 南非 徙到 地. 比罕 的白犀牛 (C. s. simum)目前只限於 果共和 的加巴 家公 找到. 昔日 生解放( )期,