英语人>词典>汉英 : 零字符 的英文翻译,例句
零字符 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

null character
更多网络例句与零字符相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first loop iteration it is zero and the

在循环的开始它是零,字符串的第一个字符与立即数$00 比较,这仅仅是

6800G Blu-ray version of the wireless kit is a colorful Technology recently recommended a new suite of wireless power, using zero-latency 2.4GHZ radio frequency technology, can receive information from up to 10 meters; 16 radio channels, can be automatically frequency-hopping; keyboard with full - The new ultra-thin keycap, laser character, mute better effect, and the permanent lossless.


This meta character matches zero or more occurences of the character immediately before it.


These reserved characters include _ wild card character which used to match exactly one character,% which used to match zero or more occurrences of any characters and ' which used to mark the value supplied.


If nothing is found it returns zero. The Delphi library function does basically the same thing


Channel capacity in information theory is used to analysis how many characters can be embedded in a certain size image on the base of zero error probability.


The string should not contain any ascii control characters such as carriage returns, linefeeds, tabs, or backspaces. windows displays these control characters as boxes or solid blocks. textout does not recognize a zero byte (or for unicode, a zero short integer) as denoting the end of a string.

字符串不应该包含任何 ascii 控制字符,比如回车键,换行键,制表符或退格键。windows 将这些控制字符显示为框或实心块。textout 不会把零字节(或者对于 unicode,是零 short integer)看作是字符串结尾的表示。

更多网络解释与零字符相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lead byte:前导字节 前导位元组

layout 布局 布局 | lead byte 前导字节 前导位元组 | leading zero 前置字符为零 前置字元为零


使用这个字形替换组合形式. 因为非间距标记的扩展宽度为零,组合字符序列将自动具有与基字符相同的宽度. 跟复杂的文本显示系统可能会采取进一步的措施来处理一些特殊情况,如组合字符 序列的紧排(kern)或者宽度与基字符不同.

null string:空串

串(String)是零个或多个字符组成的有限序列. 一般记为:由一个或多个称为空格的特殊字符组成的串,称为空格串(Blank string),其长度为串中空格字符的个数. 请注意空串(Null String)和空格串(Blank string)的区别.

null character:零字符

null balance 零点平衡 | null character 零字符 | null circle 点圆

null character:空字符,零字符

null and void 无效,作废 | null character 空字符,零字符 | null cycle 空转周期

null character:abbr. nul; 零字符,空字符


本章小结 本章主要介绍了如下一些基本概念:串:串(或字符串)(String)是由零个或多个字符组成的有限序列. 主串和子串: 主串和子串:一个串的任意个连续的字符组成的子序列称为该串的子串, 包含该子串的串称为主串.

nul:abbr. (null character); 零字符,空字符

all-clear signal lamp:全零字符信号

清理完毕信号灯 all-clear signal lamp | 全零字符信号 all-clear signal lamp | 全日效率 all-day efficiency

all-clear signal lamp:清理完毕信号灯

全频带,全波段 allbusy circuit | 清理完毕信号灯 all-clear signal lamp | 全零字符信号 all-clear signal lamp