英语人>词典>汉英 : 雌雄生殖 的英文翻译,例句
雌雄生殖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与雌雄生殖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apomixis provides a unique opportunity to fix and utilize hybrid vigor. A number of research programs around the world have tried to use apomixis as an important plant-breeding tool.


The result of ISH indicate that the FIE gene has specialspatio-temporal expression in apomixis E.binata during the reproduction growth andcontrols the development of embryo and endosperm.


On the basis of reviewing the resource status of Cycas guizhouensis in Guizhou province,the reproductive biology of this species including female/male ratio,pollination mechanism,characteristics and germination of seed,seed dispersal and natural regeneration ability were described.


A variety of factors can distort normal sexual development thereby giving rise to various forms of abnormal genitalia or intersexuality.


We herein report two cases of goats with sexual deformity.They had two systems of reproductive organs and the karyotype analysis showed mosaicism for their sex chromosomes,i.e.,60,XX / XY.The proportion of XX cell line was 42% and 54%,while XY cell line was 58% and 46%,respectively,in the two abnormal goats.


Both female and male conceptacles open to the exterior via a pore, the ostiole.


Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus,as in some fungi and algae .


But through has the actor\'s wig to the cover and does not cover two kind of processing Dactylopius confusus\'s bosom egg quantity dissection result analysis which the actor\'s wig grows naturally to be possible to know,grain\'s reproduction way is the sexual reproduction,and is through spawns the hatching,but is not the viviparity.


The results showed that there was no remarkable difference of reproductive hormone between the idiophase and non-idiophase, which established the theory foundation for the reproductive endocrinology and the artifical breeding of Andrias davidianus, was made.


ERAF17 gene expresses differently between male and female reproductive organs. Its expression is induced by ethylene or ethylene released compounds that can promote femaleness. No evidence directly shows the relationship between ERAF17 gene and femaleness, however. So this work focus on proving the positive correlation between the expression of ERAF17 gene induced by ethylene and development of female flowers,then search for the signal pathway of cucumber female reproductive organ development.


更多网络解释与雌雄生殖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


13无融合生殖(apomixis)不经过雌雄配子融合而能产生种子的一种生殖方式. 无融合生殖的方式根据无融合生殖最后形成胚是由减数后单倍雌配子直接发育而成,还是由未减数二倍细胞产生的,


deuteron 氚核 | deuterotoky 雌雄单性生殖 | developmental genetics 发育遗传学

gonochorism; dioecism:雌雄異體性

gonoblast 生殖細胞 | gonochorism; dioecism 雌雄異體性 | gonochorite 雌雄異體


gamogastrous /合生子房的/ | gamogenesis /两性生殖/雌雄生殖/ | gamogenic /合生的/


gamogastrous 合生子房的 | gamogenesis 雌雄生殖 | gamone 配素


homogamety /配子同型/ | homogamous /同子生殖/雌雄同熟/ | homogamy /同子生殖/雌雄同熟/

homogamous:有同性花的; 雌雄同熟的 (形)

homoerotism 同性恋 (名) | homogamous 有同性花的; 雌雄同熟的 (形) | homogamy 同子生殖; 雌雄同熟 (名)


homogametic sex 同配性别 | homogamy 同配生殖;雌雄(蕊)同熟 | homogenate 匀浆(物),匀浆(液)


amphithecium 周层 | amphitoky 雌雄单性生殖 | amphitropal 横生的


amphithecium (蒴)周层 | amphitoky 产雌雄单性生殖 | amphitriaene 双三叉体