英语人>词典>汉英 : 雌雄两性花 的英文翻译,例句
雌雄两性花 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与雌雄两性花相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the same time, the existence of respective specific proteins during the development of pistillate and staminate flowers shed some light on the difference of further development direction between these two kinds of flowers.


Shrubs (sometimes scrambling or rarely somewhat climbing) or rarely small trees, monoclinous or andromonoecious, armed or unarmed, apparently without oil glands.


Seedlings of the 538 precocious cross seedlings were observed on floral organ variations. The variation type includes Hermaphrodite flower, spike inflorescences, branch spike inflorescences, male and female flowers in one spike inflorescence, rosette male inflorescences.


更多网络解释与雌雄两性花相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

androgyne:阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花

androgonial tissue | 精原组织 | androgyne | 阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花 | androgynous | 雌雄同体的, 雌雄同花的

androgynous:雌雄同体的, 雌雄同花的

androgyne | 阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花 | androgynous | 雌雄同体的, 雌雄同花的 | androgyny | 雌雄同体

androgynous - showing both male and female characteristics:阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花 (汗...要这个词干嘛

104) ancillary - secondary; subordinate 补... | 105) androgynous - showing both male and female characteristics 阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花 (汗...要这个词干嘛???) | 106) anecdote - a short, personal story...


心叶凹唇姜植株高50~60 cm,具肉质根茎,叶片卵形、宽大,花序为穗状花序,半藏于地下,直接从根茎基部抽出,每个花序有3~6朵花,雌雄同花,具有雌雄异熟(Dichogamy)机制,即同一朵花内雄蕊和雌蕊成熟的时间不同,这样就在时间上达到了两性功能的分离.

hermaphrodite flower:雌雄两全花;两性花

"雌雄两全体;雌雄同体","hermaphordite" | "雌雄两全花;两性花","hermaphrodite flower" | "雌雄同体世代","hermaphroditic generation"


hermaphroditeflower 两性花 | hermaphroditic 两性的 | hermaphroditiczygote 雌雄接合子

androgonial tissue:精原组织

androgonial cell || 精原细胞 | androgonial tissue || 精原组织 | androgyne || 阴阳人, 具有雌雄两性的花