英语人>词典>汉英 : 雌蕊叶 的英文翻译,例句
雌蕊叶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Secondly, according to the stem and leaf anatomy, leaf epidermis, pollen morphology and floral development, it is found that there are no close relations between Acorus and Typhales, especially in the aspect of floral development. In the course of floral development of A. calamus, neither bracteloe primordium nor common primordium occurs in the whole course. Early development of the flower is strongly unidirectional. Three shield carpels develop into a pistil. In Sparganium fallax, each female flower has a bracteole. The bracteole primordium and the floral primordium originate from a complex structure. A single saccate carpel develops into a pistil. In staminate flowers, petal and stamen primordia initiate spirally.


A simple pistil formed from one modified leaf, or that part of a compound pitil formed from one modified leaf; megasporophyll.

心皮 Carpel 组成单雌蕊或复合雌蕊的变态叶;大孢子叶。

Pistillate or bisexual flower 1, inserted at top of head; perianth segments small, unequal in size; ovary inferior, connected to receptacle, 6-10-loculed, ovule 1 per locule; style short, stout, 6-10-lobed; stigmas inflated.


With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.


Ovaries 2, distinct; ovules 2 per locule. Style filiform; pistil head thickened, with a short basal collar and apiculate apex.


Sepal apex not aristate; pistil 2-carpeled; style apex 2-fid; leaves oblong, elliptic, or subcordate; herbs perennial

萼片先端不具芒;雌蕊2心皮;花柱先端2裂;叶长圆形,椭圆形,或近心形;多年生草本 2 Herniaria 治疝草属

Male flowers: pedicels long and slender; sepals 4-7, imbricate, margins entire or serrulate; petals absent; disk of 4-7 segments, these sometimes connivent or fused; stamens 4-7, inserted at base of disk, longer than sepals; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, erect, extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode small, 2- or 3-lobed.


Leaves digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves 1- or 2-foliolate); functional gynoecium 4-7-loculed, syncarpous; fruit a 4-7-loculed drupaceous berry.

掌状的叶具3小叶(偶然的叶具小叶1或2);功能的雌蕊群4-7室,合心皮;果一4-7室核果状浆果。 9 Toddalia 飞龙掌血属

Umbrella form inflorescence normally 2~4 bunch gives birth to short branch of Yu Xie armpit, short branch grows 1~2 millimeter; Inflorescence total stalk grows 5~10 millimeter, by short fluff; Bud piece 4, wide egg form, have 5~6 arteries and veins, outside a few without wool, inside face by white short fluff; Inflorescence of each umbrella form has beautiful 4~6, the leaf is opened or open at the same time with the leaf first; Peduncular grow about 1.5 millimeter, close by white fluff; Perianth piece 6, elliptic, two sides by short fluff; In male flower can Yo is staminal 9, filament has grey yellow fluff, form of heart of shape of aegis of body of gland of ministry of the 3rd round of stamen radical, do not have a handle nearly, degrade pistil is not had; Stamen degrades in female flower 9, staff state, by grey yellow fluff, ovarian crock form, style is dumpy, post head shape, shallow crack.


Secondly, according to the stem and leaf anatomy, leaf epidermis, pollen morphology and floral development, it is found that there are no close relations between Acorus and Typhales, especially in the aspect of floral development. In the course of floral development of A. calamus, neither bracteloe primordium nor common primordium occurs in the whole course. Early development of the flower is strongly unidirectional. Three shield carpels develop into a pistil. In Sparganium fallax, each female flower has a bracteole. The bracteole primordium and the floral primordium originate from a complex structure. A single saccate carpel develops into a pistil. In staminate flowers, petal and stamen primordia initiate spirally.


更多网络解释与雌蕊叶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


构成雌蕊的单位称为心皮(carpel),是具生殖作用的变态叶. 有些植物,一朵花中的雌蕊只是由一个心皮所构成,称为单雌蕊(simple pistil),如蚕豆、大豆. 更多种类植物的雌蕊是由几个心皮构成的,其中有的各心皮各自分离. 因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,


carpal bone 腕骨 | carpel 雌蕊叶 | carpellum 雌蕊叶


德国的哲学家和博物学家歌德(Goethe)最早提出植物的一切器官共同性的观点和多样的植物器官统一性的观点,认为花是适应于繁殖功能的变态枝. 花的各部分从形态上看具有叶的一般性质,花是不分枝的变态短枝. 一朵完整的花可以分成五个部分;花柄(pedicel)、花托(receptacle)、花被(perianth)、雄蕊群(androecium)和雌蕊群(gynoeci

intercalary growth:居间生长

居间生长(intercalary growth) 定义由穿插在成熟组织之间的居间分生组织,经过细胞分裂、生长和分化而形成成熟结构的生长过程,称居间生长. 举例如禾本科植物茎节间和某些单子叶植物叶和叶鞘的基部、花生雌蕊柄的基部等,都有居间生长现象,


carpellum 雌蕊叶 | carpogone 果孢 | carpogonium 果孢


二、真花学派 认为被子植物的花是由原始裸子植物两性孢子叶球演化而来,因而设想被子植物是来自裸子植物中早已灭绝的本内苏铁目,特别是拟苏铁(Cycadeoidea),其孢子叶球上的苞片演变为花被,小孢子叶演变为雄蕊,大孢子叶演变为雌蕊(心皮),


[科属]:桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)番石榴属(Psidium) [特性与特征]:常绿小乔木或灌木,高5~番石榴的功效12m,没有直立主干,根系发达. 单叶对生,叶背有绒毛并中肋侧脉隆起. 花单生或2~3朵聚生叶腋,花两性,雄蕊多数,雌蕊1枚.


如飞燕草Delphinium ajacis | 四雌蕊亚纲 Tetragynia | 如缠绕锡叶藤Tetracera volubulis


香蒲科(Typhaceae) 单子叶植物纲鸭跖草亚纲的1科,多年生沼生草本,有伸长的根状茎,上部出水. 叶直立,长线形,常基出,花单性,成狭长的肉穗花序,雄花集生上方,雌花集生下方,花被成刚毛,雄毛有2~5雄蕊,花丝分离或结合,雌花具1雌蕊,

decagynian; decagynous:有十雌蕊的

长叶水麻(陈嵘) Debregeasia longifolia Wedd. | 有十雌蕊的 decagynian; decagynous | 矮杞树属(木通科) Decaisnea