英语人>词典>汉英 : 集约农业 的英文翻译,例句
集约农业 的英文翻译、例句


intensive agriculture
更多网络例句与集约农业相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then according to the principle and methods of constructing the indictor system, the article constructs comprehensive evaluation and village evaluation index system of land intensified utilization, the evaluation model as well.


To the west another culture, based on intensive agriculture, was beginning to flourish.


Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient.


Agriculture in China has already entered a new development stage. The construction of agricultural modernization must stick to the development way of intensive agriculture and sustainable agriculture.


Droughts and floods that affect the efficiency of the irrigation system, continuing changes in land use, and the potential of water pollution from intensive agriculture pose a range of problems that require innovative tools for their solution.


The magnolia is one of many medicinally valuable plants threatened by logging, intensive farming and over-harvesting in China.


Based on the actuality of agricultural ecological security and regional heterogeneity in Hunan, the paper expounds the countermeasure including: strictly control the increasing of population, choose the agricultural resource using model by adjust measures to local conditions, speed the course of agricultural industrialization, establish the investment system of agricultural ecological security, adjust energy sources structure in country, put the returning cultivated land into forest project in practice, perfect the surveillance and forecast system of agricultural ecological security, reinforce the legislation and propagandizing of agricultural environment protection, and popularize the knowledge of ecological security.


Amalgamations will mean that in 50 years there are fewer traditional farmers and even fewer farms than there are now; ranch-style farming with a much reduced labour input will be evident, and intensive farming will have an even sharper focus.


Amalgamations will mean that in 50 years there are fewer traditional farmers and even fewer farms than there are now; ranchstyle farming with a much reduced labor input will be evident, and intensive farming will have an even sharper focus.


Our food supplies depend on intensive farming systems and high inputs of fertilisers and pesticides.


更多网络解释与集约农业相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

subsistence agriculture:自给性农业

cash farming 商品性农业 | subsistence agriculture 自给性农业 | intensive agriculture 集约农业

extensive cultivation:粗放耕作

irrigated farming 灌溉农业 | extensive cultivation 粗放耕作 | intensive cultivation 集约耕作



intensive agriculture:集约农业

intensity of infestation 侵扰度 | intensive agriculture 集约农业 | intensive farming 集约农业

intensive agriculture:集约式农业

integument 珠被;皮层 | intensive agriculture 集约式农业 | intensive farming 精耕法,集约式农业

sustainable intensive agriculture:现代集约持续农业

学:Learning | 现代集约持续农业:sustainable intensive agriculture | 集约利用潜力评价:Intensive Use and Potential Evaluating

intensive agriculture, intensive farming:集约农业

extensive agriculture, extensive farming 粗放农业 | intensive agriculture, intensive farming 集约农业 | irrigation farming 灌溉农业

intensive agriculture, intensive farming:集约式农业;精耕法

集体流动假说 mass flow hypothesis | 集约式农业;精耕法 intensive agriculture;intensive farming | 脊 crista 脊神经 ; 脊髓神经 spinal nerve

Intensive market gardening around market:近市场的集约式园艺农业

Isolated state孤立国家 | Intensive market gardening around market近市场的集约式园艺农业 | Abandoned land弃耕地


intensive farming精耕法;集约式农业 | intercropping间种(法) | interdependence相互依赖