英语人>词典>汉英 : 雅典的 的英文翻译,例句
雅典的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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She spent most of her adult life in Athens, and she may have influenced Pericles and Athenian politics.


In 357, he helped the Athenian allies, who had revolted against Athens.

在357 ,他帮助雅典的盟友,谁打击了雅典反感。

And they that held the strong city of Athens, the people of great Erechtheus, who was born of the soil itself, but Jove's daughter, Minerva, fostered him, and established him at Athens in her own rich sanctuary.


From then on, Pallas become the protect goddess of the city Athens.


She was Athena,goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens .


She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens


Shewas Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowl-edge and patroness of Athens.


The first contemporary Olympic Games took place with great glamour in 1896 in Athens, in the Panathenaic Stadium.


He was as thoughtless as he was unkind.a son of poseidon\'\'s,attempting to kidnap 你好s daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth without he sitation.in retaliation,poseidon dragged 你好m before agroup of athenian judges for trial.the court was held on a你好ll outside athens.ares presented 你好s case and was declared innocent.the 你好ll was ever after called areopagus,"the 你好ll of ares",and the judges receivedthe names of areopagitae.


The strategy was to be that which had been spelled out by Themistocles much earlier, with some modifications: Athens was not attempt to defeat the Peloponnesian army, which was probably unbeatable on land, but was to rely mainly on its navy.


更多网络解释与雅典的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Athene /智慧与技艺的女神/ | Athenian /雅典人/雅典的/雅典人的/ | Athens /阿森斯/雅典/


AthenaAthene 智慧与技艺的女神 | Athenian 雅典的 | Athenian 雅典人

King of Athens:Cecrops:雅典的国王凯克罗普斯

2 The Origins of Athens 雅典城的由来 | 1.King of Athens:Cecrops 雅典的国王凯克罗普斯 | 2.Athena Named Her City:Athens 雅典娜为雅典城命名


ecchymosis 斑状出血 | ecclesia 古代雅典的人民会议 | ecclesiakirkmeetinghouseteaching 教会


ecchymosis /斑状出血/ | ecclesia /古代雅典的人民会议/教会/ | ecclesiastic /教会的/圣职者的/

Solon of Athens:雅典的梭伦

* 雅典的梭伦Solon of Athens- | 他的格言是"避免极端""Nothing in excess" | * 斯巴达的契罗(亦译奇伦)Chilon of Sparta-


alarm gong 警锣 | Xuthus [希神]苏托斯(传说中雅典的爱奥尼亚的始祖) | oversleeue 袖套

Timon of Athens:(雅典的泰门)

<<奥赛罗>>(Othello)的种族冲突,<<麦克白>>(Macbeth)的个人野心,<<哈姆莱特>>(Hamlet)的国恨家仇,<<雅典的泰门>>(Timon of Athens)的金钱友情,这些人生的悲剧或许在阅读时能让人浮想联翩,内心不已,但毕竟离现代人生活遥远.

Timon of Athens:雅典的泰门(黄金梦)

特洛埃勒斯与克蕾雪达(特洛埃围城记) Troilus and Cressida | 雅典的泰门(黄金梦) Timon of Athens | 辛白林(还壁记) Cymbeline

Timon of Athens; Tim of Ath:《雅典的泰门>

<<皆大欢喜>> As You Like It; As You L It | <<雅典的泰门>> Timon of Athens; Tim of Ath | <<冬天的故事>> The winter's Tale; Wint T